Spring framework articles

Handler execution chain in Spring Web

Spring's DispatcherServlet couldn't dispatch the requests without several elements. One of the most important of them is handler execution chain.

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Bean scopes in Spring

Spring beans, like the ones from JavaBeans, use the scopes. We've already seen two of them, singleton and prototype. It's the right time to discover 3 new scopes.

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Autowired annotation in Spring

Have you ever asked you about @Autowired annotation in Spring ? Frequently used to facilitate Dependency Injection, an whole mechanism is hidden under this process.

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@ModelAttribute in Spring

Previously we approached the idea of Spring validation with annotations. We mentioned several lines about @ModelAttribute annotations. But it's still not sufficient to understand well this concept.

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Spring validation with @Valid

Validation features in Spring are universal. You can use annotation or make your own validator and bind it into the request. This article will focus on the first solution.

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Handler interceptors in Spring

Standard way of catching HTTP request in Java's web applications is the use of filters. But they are reserved only for webapps. Spring introduces a new way to do it, more general, called handler interceptors.

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Handlers in Spring

Central piece of Spring web application is DispatcherServlet. It's a central point of entry for all incoming requests. But it can't do nothing without another important concept, handlers.

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Spring DispatcherServlet lifecycle

The master piece of Spring web framework architecture is dispatcher servlet. We'll focus on it in this article.

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