Apache Kafka articles

Message queue in Apache Kafka

In one of previous articles we've discovered how to implement Kafka to publish/subscribe pattern, ie. one consumer per consumer group. This time we'll describe another aspect of Kafka consuming, messages queue.

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Consumers in Apache Kafka

When you need to write about messaging, you'll certainly meet a dilemma about 'which part, consuming or producing, describe first ?'. I decided to start with simple consumers. By 'simple', I mean only 1 consumer per group. Thanks to that we can avoid the point of partition sharing.

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The role of Apache ZooKeeper in Apache Kafka

As already told during quick introduction, Apache ZooKeeper is an inseparable part of Apache Kafka. Knowing what happens between these two actors is important to start to work with Kafka correctly.

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Introduction to Apache Kafka Java API

Recently we discovered some theoretical concepts about Apache Kafka. So it's a good moment to discover Java API.

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Introduction to Apache Kafka

This article starts a small succession of posts about Apache Kafka, considered often as one of solutions to data ingestion.

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