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In one of the homework of my Become a Data Engineer course I'm asking students to normalize a dataset. In the dataset a date time field has different supported formats. When I was analyzing the possible solutions, I found a class I've never met before, the DateTimeFormatterBuilder. And it will be the topic of this post.
I didn't notice it before, but if you use the default ExecutionContext in Scala with monads applied on the futures, it will not wait for the async code to terminate. It's not the case of custom ExecutionContext which waits. Strange? Let's see why it happens.
Maybe you didn't like my clickbait title but wanted to test my creativity with it ;) And more seriously, in this post I will cover streams but the ones that you're using in your Scala/Java code rather than the distributed ones provided by Apache Kafka. And I decided to write that because by analyzing a lot of Spark I/O method, I meet streams everywhere and I wanted to shed some light on them.
That's the next post I wrote after my unsuccessful analysis of Apache Kafka source. When I was reading the part responsible for sending requests to the broker, I found that it was partially managed by a Java package that I've never seen before. And that will be the topic of this post.
Last time I was writing a post about the "whys" of code generation. And I found a lot of points related to JVM JIT optimizations. This time I will show what kind of optimization the JVM is capable of at runtime.
When we come to Scala and see the sealed keyword, we often wonder "why". After all, having all subclasses defined in one or more files shouldn't be a big deal. For us, programmers, it's not but for the compiler, it has an importance. In this post, I will try to show the sealed class use cases.
The Futures appear as the first element to learn of Scala's asynchronous world. They're quite simple and probably exist in the languages you have been working on before. But they're not the single asynchronous types in Scala because they are accompanied by Promises covered in this post.
When I was working with Java and Spring framework, the annotations were my daily friend. When I have started to work with Scala, I haven't seen them a lot. It was quite surprising at the beginning. But with every new written line of code, I have started to see them more and more. After that time it's a good moment to summarize the experience and focus on the Scala annotations.
When I was reading about the Await implementation in Scala, I found a method called blocking. At that time I've read some articles to understand it but I hadn't a chance to play with it. Now it's the case and I will share my findings with you.
When I was analyzing one of Apache Spark GraphX functions for the first time I faced a class annotated with @specialized annotation. Since then I decided to find more information about it and share them with you in this post.
As a former Java engineer, when I have started to work with Scala, I was very early punished for my bad habits about mutable collections. In this post I will show you the story which learned me to prefer the immutability everywhere it's possible.
Scala Stream offers something we have not a habit to see in other languages - lazy computation of the values alongside the memoization. However it's sometimes misleading and some people think about Streams as about iterators, i.e. a data structure computing and forgetting about the results. Such thinking can often lead to memory problems, especially with infinite streams.
During the years Java was much more verbose than its JVM-based colleagues (Clojure, Groovy, Scala, ...). But it changed with Java 8 and its Lambda expressions. However the years of the verbosity brought some patterns into Java-based applications. One of them is known as SAM and fortunately it can be easily used with Scala.
Some people coming from Java are often confused about enumerations. In Java, they're often used not only to enumerate things as in dictionaries but also to create singletons. In Scala, the latter use case is much more reserved to objects and apparently, only the former one remains. We'll see through this post whether it's true or not.
Even though the regular expressions look similarly in a lot of languages, each of them brings some own constructs. Scala is not an exception for this rule and we'll try to see it in this post.
Nowadays a lot of SDKs and libraries are written with Java. Fortunately dealing with Java code in Scala is possible and even in case of collections.
I've always found concatenating Strings with "+" a laborious task. Hence when I've discovered Scala and its text construction methods I was immediately convinced. And as you can imagine, this topic merits its own short post in the Scala category.
Each programming language has its own specific standards. Scala is not an exception and also comes with its own coding style specificity.
Have you ever wondered why in Scala we can directly reverse a String and in Java we must use a StringBuilder especially for it? If yes, this post provides a little bit more explanation by focusing on Scala's data types equivalents to Java's primitives (+ String) called rich wrappers.
With increasing number of computation power, the parallel computing gained the popularity during the last years. Java's concurrent package is one of the proofs for that. But Scala, even though it's able to work with Java's concurrent features, comes also with its own mechanisms. Futures are one of them.