Accumulators and reliability

Versions: Apache Spark 3.4.0

In March I wrote a blog showing how to use accumulators to know the application of each filter statement. Turns out, the solution may not be perfect as mentioned by Aravind in one of the comments. I bet you already have an idea but if not, keep reading. Everything will be clear in the end!

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Accumulators 101

An accumulator is a serializable data structure living on the executors those local results get merged into the final one on the driver after each task finishes. The summary below:

To be more specific:

That's pretty much all of the introductory part. The CompletionEvent handling is the key in understanding accumulator reliability.


To check the reliability, I'm using a slightly modified example of my accumulator-based filters:

val partitions = 5
val sparkSession = SparkSession.builder().master(s"local[${partitions}, 3]")
  .config("spark.task.maxFailures", 3)

val dataset = (0 to 100).map(nr => UserToTest(nr, s"user${nr}")).toDS.repartition(partitions)

val idFilterAccumulator = sparkSession.sparkContext.longAccumulator("idFilterAccumulator")
val evenIdFilterAccumulator = sparkSession.sparkContext.longAccumulator("lowerUpperCaseFilterAccumulator")
val idFilter = new FilterWithAccumulatedResultWithFailure(
  (user) => > 0, idFilterAccumulator
val evenIdFilter = new FilterWithAccumulatedResultWithFailure(
  (user) => % 2 == 0, evenIdFilterAccumulator

val filteredInput = dataset.filter(idFilter.filter _).filter(evenIdFilter.filter _)

The filtering logic should fail twice for the user id number 11:

class FilterWithAccumulatedResultWithFailure(filterMethod: (UserToTest) => Boolean, resultAccumulator: LongAccumulator) extends Serializable {

  def filter(userToTest: UserToTest): Boolean = {
	val result = filterMethod(userToTest)
	if (!result) resultAccumulator.add(1L)
	if (!result && == 11 && FailureFlagHolder.isFailed.incrementAndGet() < 3) {
  	throw new RuntimeException("temporary error")


object FailureFlagHolder {

  val isFailed = new AtomicInteger(0)


After running the code, the results are pretty convincing:

|id |login  |
|28 |user28 |
|44 |user44 |
|2  |user2  |
|30 |user30 |
only showing top 20 rows


The id filter filtered out only 1 row while the even id filter removed a half of the records. If the accumulators weren't reliable, the even id filter should have removed more than 50 records. What is the code proving that reliability actually? Remember the CompletionEvent. It stores a task end reason. Different supported statuses are:

case object Success extends TaskEndReason

sealed trait TaskFailedReason extends TaskEndReason
case object Resubmitted extends TaskFailedReason
case class FetchFailed(...) extends TaskFailedReason
case class ExceptionFailure(...) extends TaskFailedReason
case object TaskResultLost extends TaskFailedReason
case class TaskKilled(...) extends TaskFailedReason

Whenever a CompletionEvent is sent, DAGScheduler handles it in private[scheduler] def handleTaskCompletion(event: CompletionEvent). Depending on the status, i.e. either the failure is fatal or not (retryable), the DAGScheduler updates the accumulators:

event.reason match {
  case Success =>
    task match {
      case rt: ResultTask[_, _] =>
        val resultStage = stage.asInstanceOf[ResultStage]
        resultStage.activeJob match {
         	case Some(job) =>
            // Only update the accumulator once for each result task.
            if (!job.finished(rt.outputId)) {
          	case None => // Ignore update if task's job has finished.
      case _ =>
  case _: ExceptionFailure | _: TaskKilled => updateAccumulators(event)
  case _ =>

The point is, if there is an exception, the task end reason is the ExceptionFailure, so logically, we should see the counters doubled, shouldn't we? No, we shouldn't and the magic is hidden inside AccumulatorMetadata's countFailedValues property which defaults to false:

abstract class AccumulatorV2[IN, OUT] extends Serializable {
  private[spark] var metadata: AccumulatorMetadata = _
  private[this] var atDriverSide = true

  private[spark] def register(
  	sc: SparkContext, name: Option[String] = None,
  	countFailedValues: Boolean = false): Unit = {
	if (this.metadata != null) {
  	throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot register an Accumulator twice.")
	this.metadata = AccumulatorMetadata(AccumulatorContext.newId(), name, countFailedValues)

Now, when Spark creates the CompletionEvent with the accumulators, it doesn't include the user-defined accumulators and value-sensitive internal accumulators for a failed task:

private[spark] abstract class Task[T](
// ...
  def collectAccumulatorUpdates(taskFailed: Boolean = false): Seq[AccumulatorV2[_, _]] = {
	if (context != null) {
  	// Note: internal accumulators representing task metrics always count failed values
  	context.taskMetrics.nonZeroInternalAccums() ++
    	// zero value external accumulators may still be useful, e.g. SQLMetrics, we should not
    	// filter them out.
    	context.taskMetrics.externalAccums.filter(a => !taskFailed || a.countFailedValues)
	} else {

Turns out, I also badly judged the accumulator's reliability. At first glance, this countFailedValues flag is hidden and we may have an impression that the accumulators are not resilient but except a few internal accumulators, Apache Spark takes care of updating only the accumulators of the successfully completed tasks.


With nearly 16 years of experience, including 8 as data engineer, I offer expert consulting to design and optimize scalable data solutions. As an O’Reilly author, Data+AI Summit speaker, and blogger, I bring cutting-edge insights to modernize infrastructure, build robust pipelines, and drive data-driven decision-making. Let's transform your data challenges into opportunities—reach out to elevate your data engineering game today!

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