
Java 8 brings another type of ForkJoinTask, CountedCompleter. And because sometimes this class is considered little bit obscure, we'll try to understand it through this article.

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In the first part we'll try to explain what is CountedCompleter. It will be possible thanks to comparison with two other ForkJoinTasks: RecursiveAction and RecursiveTask. After that, we'll rework a little searching code sample from CountedCompelter Javadoc and try to explain CountedCompleter components.

What is CountedCompleter ?

java.util.concurrent.CountedCompleter is nothing else than another implementation of ForkJoinTask. But it has some subtle differences with two other implementations, RecursiveAction and RecursiveTask. First of all, it gives the possibility to trigger one action after work completion. It can be perform through the implementation of onCompletion(CountedCompleter) method.

In additionally, CountedCompleter brings the aspect of pending tasks. Each time when new sub-task is declared to execution, addToPendingCount(int) method (or its variants) should be invoked. Thanks to it, internal counter of pending tasks is changed. This counter determines if tasks execution were completed. If it's not, it decrements. If it's complete and tryComplete() method is called, completion event is sent to all CountedCompleter tasks.

RecursiveTask and RecursiveAction don't need any explicit call to finish their job, simple fork/join combination is enough. CountedCompleter behaves differently because it needs the explicit call of tryComplete() or propagateCompletion() before returning. Otherwise, the task is considered as not completed and it runs indeterminately.

In a lot of cases CountedCompleter won't be programmed to return any value. But if it has to return any, the getRawResult(T) method should be overridden. You can notice that in search example described previously.

CountedCompleter searching reworked

In this example we'll use reworked searching use case. It contains some control mechanisms thanks to which we can prove some CountedCompleter concepts simply thanks to JUnit tests. The code contains also some comments to simplify the understanding of these concepts:

public class CountedCompleterTest {

    private static final String J_LETTER = "J";
    private static final String NOT_EXISTENT_LETTER = "2";
    private static final String[] ALPHABET = {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", J_LETTER};
    private static final Configuration DEFAULT_CONFIG = new Configuration(false, false, false);

    public void should_fin_result_even_with_more_than_0_pending_tasks() {
        Searcher<String> searcher = 
          new Searcher<>(null, ALPHABET, new AtomicReference<>(), 0, ALPHABET.length, J_LETTER, DEFAULT_CONFIG);
        ForkJoinPool pool = new ForkJoinPool();
        String word = pool.invoke(searcher);


    public void should_find_letter_without_additional_pending_tasks() {
        Searcher<String> searcher = 
          new Searcher<>(null, ALPHABET, new AtomicReference<>(), 0, ALPHABET.length, J_LETTER, DEFAULT_CONFIG);
        ForkJoinPool pool = new ForkJoinPool();
        String word = pool.invoke(searcher);


    public void should_not_find_letter_because_missing_pending_tasks_incrementation() {
        Configuration configuration = new Configuration(true, false, false);
        Searcher<String> searcher = 
          new Searcher<>(null, ALPHABET, new AtomicReference<>(), 0, ALPHABET.length, J_LETTER, configuration);
        ForkJoinPool pool = new ForkJoinPool();
        String word = pool.invoke(searcher);


    public void should_not_end_because_of_too_many_tasks_and_complete_call_missing() throws InterruptedException {
        Configuration configuration = new Configuration(false, true, false);
        Searcher<String> searcher = 
          new Searcher<>(null, ALPHABET, new AtomicReference<>(), 0, ALPHABET.length, J_LETTER, configuration);
        ForkJoinPool pool = new ForkJoinPool();
        pool.awaitTermination(4, TimeUnit.SECONDS);


    public void should_not_end_because_of_not_existent_letter_and_trycomplete_call_missing() throws InterruptedException {
        Configuration configuration = new Configuration(false, false, true);
        // Because of Searcher code we have to try to find not existent letter to prove that missing tryComplete() call
        // can deadlock.
        Searcher<String> searcher = 
          new Searcher<>(null, ALPHABET, new AtomicReference<>(), 0, ALPHABET.length, NOT_EXISTENT_LETTER, configuration);
        ForkJoinPool pool = new ForkJoinPool();
        pool.awaitTermination(4, TimeUnit.SECONDS);


    public void should_not_find_letter_not_existing_in_alphabet() {
        Searcher<String> searcher = 
          new Searcher<>(null, ALPHABET, new AtomicReference<>(), 0, ALPHABET.length, NOT_EXISTENT_LETTER, DEFAULT_CONFIG);
        ForkJoinPool pool = new ForkJoinPool();
        String word = pool.invoke(searcher);



class Searcher<E> extends CountedCompleter<E> {
  private final E[] items;
  private final E expected;
  private final AtomicReference<E> result;
  private final int startIndex, endIndex;
  private final Configuration configuration;

  Searcher(CountedCompleter<?> completer, E[] items, AtomicReference<E> result, int startIndex, int endIndex, E expected, Configuration configuration) {
    this.items = items;
    this.result = result;
    this.startIndex = startIndex;
    this.endIndex = endIndex;
    this.expected = expected;
    this.configuration = configuration;

  public E getRawResult() {
    return result.get();

  public void compute() {
    int localStartIndex = startIndex,  localEndIndex = endIndex;
    while (result.get() == null && localEndIndex >= localStartIndex) {
        * If there are more than one element to check, we divide it until receiving
        * the single one item.
      if (localEndIndex - localStartIndex >= 2) {
        int mid = (localStartIndex + localEndIndex) >>> 1;
          * Disable this method invocation to see that the search won't work even 
          * if searched item exists in the array.
          * Imagine the situation when you search a "J" letter in alphabet array "A"-"J". 
          * CountedCompleter will first split this array to 2 parts, after split them until 
          * receiving 1-elements array. So if the tasks subset without "J" ends before the 
          * subset containing "J", the result will be null.
        if (!configuration.canSkipIncrement()) {
        new Searcher(this, items, result, mid, localEndIndex, expected, configuration).fork();
        localEndIndex = mid;
      } else {
          * We have now only one item, so we can check if it matches searched element and 
          * if it's different from null. If the item fulfils both conditions, we quit the execution. 
          * We do so by calling quietlyCompleteRoot(). This method completes task normally without 
          * setting new value (see setRawResult() method in CountedCompleter abstract class, which is btw 
          * empty by default).
          * This matching value (null in our case because we work with AtomicReference) will be 
          * returned for all related operations.
          * Without calling quietlyCompleteRoot(), we consider that the result was not found. In consequence,
          * program will continue the execution. To observe that, simply comment below invocation. To make 
          * it working, we explicitly set the number of pending tasks to 333 in test declaration (much more 
          * than real tasks to execute). Note that quietlyCompleteRoot() can be also declared with 
          * complete(T result) method call when one of subtasks generated the expected result.
        E item = items[localStartIndex];
        if (matches(item) && result.compareAndSet(null, item)) {
          if (!configuration.canSkipCompleteCall()) {
      * When tryComplete() is not called, we still consider that the task is not finished. In our case it's visible
      * only for the case when searched letter doesn't exist in submitted array.
    if (!configuration.canSkipTryCompleteCall()) {

  boolean matches(E e) {
    return e.equals(expected);

  public String toString() {
    return "Searcher {"+startIndex+"-"+endIndex+"}";

class Configuration {

  private boolean skipIncrement;

  private boolean skipCompleteCall;

  private boolean skipTryCompleteCall;

  Configuration(boolean skipIncrement, boolean skipCompleteCall, boolean skipTryCompleteCall) {
    this.skipIncrement = skipIncrement;
    this.skipCompleteCall = skipCompleteCall;
    this.skipTryCompleteCall = skipTryCompleteCall;

  public boolean canSkipIncrement() {
    return skipIncrement;

  public boolean canSkipCompleteCall() {
    return skipCompleteCall;

  public boolean canSkipTryCompleteCall() {
    return skipTryCompleteCall;


Given article presents a little bit more another type of ForkJoinTask, CountedCompleters. Its first part tries to "translate" to more clear language Javadoc description with underlining some of potential traps. The second part is also based on official Javadoc because it takes the searching use case and adapt it to JUnit test cases. These cases are there to show the traps described previously.

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