Instruction try-with-resources

Java 7 was released on July 28, 2011. But they're still the places where we don't use all features of this version (because of installed 6 version or no budget to make the migration). One of these Java 7 elements which can improve code readability is, try-with-resources instruction.

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In this article we'll focus on this feature. At the begin, we'll introduce the problem caused by the versions older than Java 7. After that, we'll show how to implement this block.

Try-with-resources block

First, let's back into the past, to Java 6 more precisely. To read a stream in this version, we needed to place a code inside try-catch-finally instruction. If we worked with two streams, the readability of the code was poor. Take a look:

InputStream inputStream = null;
OutputStream outputStream = null;
try {
	inputStream = new FileInputStream("/home/bartosz/myInputStream");
	outputStream = new FileOutputStream("/home/bartosz/tmp/myOutputStream");
	// make some operations with streams
catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
	if (inputStream != null) {
		try {
		} catch (IOException e) {
	if (outputStream != null) {
		try {
		} catch (IOException e) {

As you can see, 14 from 23 lines of this code are taken by instructions closing input and output streams. In additionally, sometimes the developers simply forget to close streams which can lead to resources leaks. So, Java 7 provided a new way of working with closeable resources, try-with-resource block.

This instruction was defined as a part of Project Coin initiative (it defines a changes to be introduced in Java 7 version). It's a response for Automatic Resource Management problem. The inspiration comes from other programming languages as Python and Ruby which already contained the solution for automatic resource management. Java's solution consists to put stream construction inside try block, as below:

try (FileInputStream firstStream = new FileInputStream("/home/bartosz/myInputStream")) {
	// do something with defined InputStream

In this code, our FileInputStream will be closed automatically by Java. But how does Java know that a stream must be closed ? It's thanks to java.lang.AutoCloseable interface, introduced in Java 7 too. It contains single method, close(). It's invoked directly when an object is present inside try-with-resources statement. This method can throw an Exception. If implementation throws one, it means that the implementation can fail. If the implementation doesn't throw any exception, it means that the method won't fail.

Actually, main streaming classes, as FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, FileLock, ByteArrayInputStream or ByteArrayOutputStream (full list is available on the Javadoc of AutoCloseable), are implementing AutoCloseable interface. As a result of that, they can be used in try-with-resources statement.

Example of try-with-resource statement

Because we know that more handsome solution exists, we should test it:

public class TryWithResourcesTest {

	public void simpleRead() {
		 * This is a simple test of reading file with try-with-resources statement. Tested file contains:
		 * <pre>
		 * French accentuated letter: étrangère
		 * </pre>
		 * This sample shows how to use try-with-resources statement. Note that you can use inputStream object only inside try{} block - even if you predefine inputStream before try block as null:
		 * <pre>
		 * FileInputStream inputStream = null;
		 * try {inputStream = new FileInputStream(file)) { // <==== won't work
		 * </pre>
		 * Note also that we can work on multiple files implementing AutoCloseable interface.
		File testFile = new File("/home/bartosz/tmp/testFile.txt");
		File testFile2  = new File("/home/bartosz/tmp/testFile.txt");
		try (FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(testFile); FileInputStream inputStream2 = new FileInputStream(testFile2)) {
			byte[] result = new byte[inputStream.available()];;
			String resultText = new String(result, "UTF-8");

			byte[] result2 = new byte[inputStream2.available()];;
			String resultText2 = new String(result2, "UTF-8");

			String expectedText = "French accentuated letter: étrangère";
			assertTrue("Read text ("+resultText+") should be the same as expected ("+expectedText+")", resultText.equals(expectedText));
			assertTrue("Text read by the first inputStream ("+resultText+") should be the same as the text read by the second input stream ("+resultText2+")", resultText2.equals(resultText));
		} catch (Exception e) {
			fail("The test shouldn't fail because of exception: "+e.getMessage());
	public void implementedAutoCloseable() {
		 * Here we'll implement our own AutoCloseable object.
		CloseChecker checker = new CloseChecker();
		assertFalse("Checker should return false on isClosed but it returns true", checker.isClosed());
		try (CustomAutoCloseable custom = new CustomAutoCloseable(checker)) {
			// do nothing, just for test close() invocation
		} catch (Exception e) {
			fail("Test failed but it shouldn't: "+e.getMessage());
		assertTrue("close() method of CustomAutoCloseable should be called but it wasn't", checker.isClosed());
	public void suppressedExceptions() {
		 * In this test case we'll show the new concept of "suppressed exceptions". Suppressed exceptions can occur in try-with-resources statements when two or more exceptions are thrown inside the same 
		 * try-with-resources block. In our case, 3 exceptions will be thrown: 
		 * - 1 on closing anotherSuppressed (IllegalAccessError)
		 * - 1 on closing suppressed (UnsupportedOperationException)
		 * - 1 (this exception is catched) on suppressed.throwException() invocation
		 * To resume this situation, try-with-resources can push exceptions occurred on close() method to appropriate catch() block and append them into Throwable instance of this block. Inside the block
		 * we can get appended exceptions thanks to Exception.getSuppressed method. Because the try-with-resources AutoCloseable objects are closed in the opposite order of their creation
		 * (last defined object is closed as the first), we retrieve the exception from anotherSuppressed object at the first position in getSuppressed() array.
		try (SuppressedExceptionResources suppressed = new SuppressedExceptionResources(); SuppressedExceptionResources anotherSuppressed = new AnotherSuppressedExceptionResources()) {
			fail("Test shouldn't passe here - Exception should be catched instead");
		} catch (Exception e) {
			assertTrue("One suppressed exceptions is expected, "+e.getSuppressed().length+" were got", e.getSuppressed().length == 2);
			Throwable suppressedExc = e.getSuppressed()[0];
			assertTrue("Supressed exception should be IllegalAccessError but is "+suppressedExc.getClass(), suppressedExc.getClass() == IllegalAccessError.class);
			suppressedExc = e.getSuppressed()[1];
			assertTrue("Supressed exception should be UnsupportedOperationException but is "+suppressedExc.getClass(), suppressedExc.getClass() == UnsupportedOperationException.class);
			assertTrue("Catched exception should be IllegalStateException but is "+e.getClass(), e.getClass() == IllegalStateException.class);
		 * Here we'll test the same code as previously but only with NullPointerException defined. It means that suppressed exceptions can't find appropriated catch() block. So they can't be 
		 * catched properly, as previously. Instead, they will be propagate and break down the application.
		boolean wasPropagated = false;
		try {
			try (SuppressedExceptionResources suppressed = new SuppressedExceptionResources(); SuppressedExceptionResources anotherSuppressed = new AnotherSuppressedExceptionResources()) {
				fail("Test shouldn't passe here - Exception should be catched instead");
			} catch (NullPointerException e) {
				fail("NullPointerException shouldn't be thrown");
		} catch (Exception e) {
			wasPropagated = true;
		assertTrue("Exception doesn't catch in try-with-resources catch block should be propagated but it wasn't", wasPropagated);
	 * If you wish, decomment this code to be sure that classes aren't implementing AutoCloseable interface can't be used in try-with-resources blocks.
//	@Test
//	public void notAutoCloseable() {
//		try (NotAutoCloseable notAutoCloseable = new NotAutoCloseable()) {
//		}
//	}

class NotAutoCloseable {

class CloseChecker {
	private boolean closed;
	public void setClosed(boolean c) {
		this.closed = c;
	public boolean isClosed() {
		return this.closed;

class CustomAutoCloseable implements AutoCloseable {
	private CloseChecker checker;
	public CustomAutoCloseable(CloseChecker checker) {
		this.checker = checker;

	public void close() {

class SuppressedExceptionResources implements AutoCloseable {

	public void throwException() throws IllegalStateException {
		throw new IllegalStateException("IllegalStateException is thrown here");
	public void throwAnotherException() throws IllegalArgumentException {
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("IllegalArgumentException is thrown now");
	public void close() throws UnsupportedOperationException {
		throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Close operation isn't implemented");

class AnotherSuppressedExceptionResources extends SuppressedExceptionResources {
	public void close() throws IllegalAccessError {
		throw new IllegalAccessError("Close operation isn't implemented in AnotherSuppressedExceptionResources");

This article shows the features introduced with Java 7: try-with-resources statement and suppressed exceptions. Thanks to them, we don't need anymore to construct verbose try-catch-finally blocks to close correctly streams. Instead of this we can downright divide written lines by 3 or more. You need just remember that only objects implementing AutoCloseable interface can be placed inside try-with-resources blocks.

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