Some time ago I was involved in a discussion about testing Apache Spark SQL code. In this post, I would like to share my observations about this topic.
At first glance the wide choice of testing families in Scala can scary. After all in JUnit and other xUnit frameworks, the choice of tests declaration is limited. Hopefully after some digging ScalaTest's testing styles become more obvious to understand and to use.
After writing a post about testing Spark applications, I decided to take a look at Spark project tests and see which patterns they use to verify framework features.
It's difficult to contest the importance of testing in programming. Tests help to avoid regressions (a lot of regressions) and also to better understand developed code. Spark (and other data processing frameworks by the way) is not an exception of this rule. But, obviously, testing applications working in distributed mode is more tricky than in the case of standalone programs.