How to deal with "org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Table or view not found" error ?


In your daily work you've certainly met the problem of Table or view not found. The error happens in the situations like this:

val customerIds = JoinHelper.insertCustomers(1)
JoinHelper.insertOrders(customerIds, 4)
val jdbcOptions =
  Map("url" -> InMemoryDatabase.DbConnection, "user" -> InMemoryDatabase.DbUser, "password" -> InMemoryDatabase.DbPassword,
    "driver" ->  InMemoryDatabase.DbDriver, "dbtable" -> "orders")
val ordersDataFrame ="jdbc")
val ordersAmounts = ordersDataFrame.sqlContext.sql("SELECT amount FROM orders WHERE customers_id IS NOT NULL")

val amounts = ordersAmounts.collect().map(row => (row.getAs[java.math.BigDecimal]("amount")))
amounts should have size 4
// amounts are set randomly, so not assert on them

Unfortunately the code doesn't work because of the error:

Table or view not found: orders; line 1 pos 19
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Table or view not found: orders; line 1 pos 19

After all, why it's produced ? The table really exists in our in-memory database. In fact, Apache Spark SQL uses a concept of catalog to list all tables and views querable directly with SQL. The catalog's implementation is SessionCatalog class and in its lookupRelation(name: TableIdentifier): LogicalPlan method it tries to get a LogicalPlan representing the table or view. Since the engine doesn't register the tables automatically, it's mandatory to do it explicitly with createOrReplaceTempView(tableName: String) method:

val customerIds = JoinHelper.insertCustomers(1)
JoinHelper.insertOrders(customerIds, 4)
val jdbcOptions =
  Map("url" -> InMemoryDatabase.DbConnection, "user" -> InMemoryDatabase.DbUser, "password" -> InMemoryDatabase.DbPassword,
    "driver" ->  InMemoryDatabase.DbDriver, "dbtable" -> "orders")
val ordersDataFrame ="jdbc")

val ordersAmounts = sparkSession.sqlContext.sql("SELECT amount FROM orders WHERE customers_id IS NOT NULL")

val amounts = ordersAmounts.collect().map(row => (row.getAs[java.math.BigDecimal]("amount")))
amounts should have size 4
// amounts are set randomly, so not assert on them