Writing Apache Spark SQL custom logical optimization - improved code and summary

Versions: Apache Spark 2.4.0

In the previous post about Apache Spark SQL custom optimizations I presented a rule transforming UNION operator into JOIN. At this time I only did a simple version working only with 2 datasets. In this post, I will share its improved version.

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The post starts by showing the improved version which applies on more than 2 UNIONs. The second part gives a summary of all classes and abstractions I had to use to write the code.

Improved UNION rewritter

Initially I thought that adapting the code from the previous week's post to the case of multiple UNIONs will be complicated. First, I wanted to catch the highest UNION operator and recursively transform all its children into JOINs. However, that was not a good idea because the transform() method behaves exactly like a graph traversal. Therefore, I already have the possibility to reach and transform every node. My second thought was "maybe I will catch the UNIONs and transform only its 2 closest children". The only thing I had to verify was the state of the transformed plan. I wanted to ensure that the transformed logical plan is broadcasted up or down in the transform method. This test case proves that it's the case:

  "transformation method" should "move modified plan to the next level" in {
    val letterReference = AttributeReference("letter", StringType, false)()
    val nameReference = AttributeReference("name", StringType, false)()
    val ageReference = AttributeReference("age", IntegerType, false)()
    val selectExpressions = Seq[NamedExpression](
      letterReference, nameReference
    val dataset = LocalRelation(Seq(letterReference, nameReference, ageReference))
    val project1 = Project(selectExpressions, dataset)
    val project2 = Project(selectExpressions, dataset)
    val join = Join(project1, project2, JoinType("fullouter"),
      Option(And(selectExpressions(0), selectExpressions(1))))

    val projectionsFromJoin = new scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[Project]()
    // transform is called only once;
    // the goal is to show you that the modified plan is passed to next levels
    join.transformUp {
      case project: Project => {
        project.copy(projectList = project.projectList ++ project.projectList)
      case join: Join => {
        join.children.filter(childPlan => childPlan.isInstanceOf[Project])
          .foreach(childPlan => {

    val expectedFields = Seq("letter", "name", "letter", "name")
    projectionsFromJoin.foreach(projection => {
      projection.projectList.map(namedExpression => namedExpression.name) should contain allElementsOf expectedFields

As you can observe in the test, the transformed Project is directly passed to upper levels of the logical plan. Thanks to this confirmation I could apply my idea of transforming tuples:

object UnionAdvancedOptimizer extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {

  override def apply(logicalPlan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = logicalPlan transformUp {
    case distinct: Distinct if distinct.child.isInstanceOf[Union] => {
      val union = distinct.child.asInstanceOf[Union]
      val joinColumns = union.children.map {
        case localRelation: LocalRelation => localRelation.output
        case project: Project => project.output
      val joinPairs = joinColumns.transpose
      val equalToExpressions = joinPairs.map(attributes => {
        EqualTo(attributes(0), attributes(1))

      def concatExpressions(expression: Expression, remainingExpressions: Seq[Expression]): Expression = {
        if (remainingExpressions.isEmpty) {
        } else {
          concatExpressions(And(expression, remainingExpressions.head), remainingExpressions.tail)
      val concatenatedExpressions = concatExpressions(equalToExpressions.head, equalToExpressions.tail)

      val projection1 = Project(joinColumns(0), union.children(0))
      val projection2 = Project(joinColumns(1), union.children(1))
      val join1 = Join(projection1, projection2, JoinType("fullouter"), Option(concatenatedExpressions))
      val projection = combineProjection(joinPairs, join1)
  private def combineProjection(joinAttributes: Seq[Seq[Attribute]], childPlan: Join): Project = {
    val fields = joinAttributes.map(attributes => {
      Alias(Coalesce(attributes), attributes(0).name)()
    Project(fields, childPlan)


If you remember my previous post, you can see that the code didn't evolve a lot. The only difference is the used transformation method. Since I wanted to avoid to recursively convert UNIONs into JOINs, I preferred this time to start from the bottom and be able to find the pairs of projections at every level (remember: our rewriter returns a projection on top of the JOIN). You can see the optimizer in action in the following test:

  private val sparkSession: SparkSession = SparkSession.builder().appName("Advanced UNION hint test").master("local[*]")
    .withExtensions(extensions => {
      // I should use here an optimizer rule but I should then apply it on an HashAggregate + Union which is
      // less understandable than Union + Distinct
      extensions.injectResolutionRule(_ => UnionAdvancedOptimizer)

  "multiple UNION" should "be rewritten to JOINs" in {
    import sparkSession.implicits._
    val dataset1 = Seq(("A", 1, 1), ("B", 2, 1), ("C", 3, 1), ("D", 4, 1), ("E", 5, 1)).toDF("letter", "nr", "a_flag")
    val dataset2 = Seq(("F", 10, 1), ("G", 11, 1), ("H", 12, 1)).toDF("letter", "nr", "a_flag")
    val dataset3 = Seq(("A", 20, 1), ("B", 21, 1), ("C", 22, 1)).toDF("letter", "nr", "a_flag")
    val dataset4 = Seq(("A", 20, 1), ("B", 21, 1), ("C", 22, 1)).toDF("letter", "nr", "a_flag")

    val rewrittenQuery = sparkSession.sql("SELECT letter, nr, a_flag FROM dataset_1 " +
      "UNION SELECT letter, nr, a_flag FROM dataset_2 " +
      "UNION SELECT letter, nr, a_flag FROM dataset_3 UNION SELECT letter, nr, a_flag FROM dataset_4")

    val unionDataset =
      rewrittenQuery.map(row => s"${row.getAs[String]("letter")}-${row.getAs[Int]("nr")}-${row.getAs[Int]("a_flag")}").collect()

    unionDataset should have size 11
    unionDataset should contain allOf("A-1-1", "A-20-1", "B-2-1", "B-21-1", "C-3-1", "C-22-1", "D-4-1",
      "E-5-1", "F-10-1", "G-11-1", "H-12-1")
    rewrittenQuery.queryExecution.executedPlan.toString should include("SortMergeJoin")

The code has still some points to improve like filtering but I won't going into this right now and instead, I will rather move to the physical plans.

Used classes and abstractions

Last time I shared with you some takeaways about writing a custom optimization. Now I would like to complete this list with the abstractions that you may need to implement it:

That's all for writing a custom resolution rule. But that's not finished for Apache Spark SQL customization. In the next post, I will explore other customization rules and make the exercise of implementing them.


With nearly 16 years of experience, including 8 as data engineer, I offer expert consulting to design and optimize scalable data solutions. As an O’Reilly author, Data+AI Summit speaker, and blogger, I bring cutting-edge insights to modernize infrastructure, build robust pipelines, and drive data-driven decision-making. Let's transform your data challenges into opportunities—reach out to elevate your data engineering game today!

👉 contact@waitingforcode.com
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