I've already written about watermarks in a few places in the blog but despite that, I still find things to refresh. One of them is the watermark used to filter out the late data, which will be the topic of this blog post.
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Reminder, watermark in streaming systems has 2 purposes. The first of them is to control how late data can be processed. This property inherently impacts another one which is, when a state should be removed from the state store. The latter is also called a Garbage Collection Watermark.
Even though the definition looks simple, Apache Spark has a specificity about watermarks because they cannot be used without stateful processing. Put another way, if you write a job like that:
val clicksWithWatermark = clicksStream.toDF .withWatermark("clickTime", "10 minutes") val query = clicksWithWatermark.writeStream.format("console").option("truncate", false) .start()
...do not expect your streaming query filtering out records older than the 10 minutes watermark because simply there is no watermark in the execution plan!
== Physical Plan == WriteToDataSourceV2 MicroBatchWrite[epoch: 0, writer: ConsoleWriter[numRows=20, truncate=false]], org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.v2.DataSourceV2Strategy$$Lambda$2062/0x0000000800fcc040@4c443787 +- EventTimeWatermark clickTime#3: timestamp, 10 minutes +- *(1) Project [clickAdId#2, clickTime#3] +- MicroBatchScan[clickAdId#2, clickTime#3] MemoryStreamDataSource
Why so? After all, the EventTimeWatermark node is there. Let's try to understand this in the next section.
Late data filtering
The watermark logical node does have a physical representation, the EventTimeWatermarkExec. However, it has 2 roles:
- Generating the watermark by invoking the internal accumulator at the physical execution:
case class EventTimeWatermarkExec(eventTime: Attribute, delay: CalendarInterval, child: SparkPlan) extends UnaryExecNode { val eventTimeStats = new EventTimeStatsAccum() val delayMs = EventTimeWatermark.getDelayMs(delay) sparkContext.register(eventTimeStats) override protected def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = { child.execute().mapPartitions { iter => val getEventTime = UnsafeProjection.create(eventTime :: Nil, child.output) iter.map { row => eventTimeStats.add(microsToMillis(getEventTime(row).getLong(0))) row } }
- Reporting the watermark when the micro-batch finishes. It's the role of the WatermarkTracker's updateWatermark(executedPlan: SparkPlan) method called by the markMicroBatchEnd:
The node is not involved in the late data filtering! The filtering is a side-effect of the watermark tracking because it directly uses the watermark value injected to the stateful processing nodes:
class IncrementalExecution(...) override val rule: PartialFunction[SparkPlan, SparkPlan] = { case s: StateStoreSaveExec if s.stateInfo.isDefined => s.copy( eventTimeWatermarkForLateEvents = inputWatermarkForLateEvents(s.stateInfo.get), eventTimeWatermarkForEviction = inputWatermarkForEviction(s.stateInfo.get) ) case s: SessionWindowStateStoreSaveExec if s.stateInfo.isDefined => s.copy( eventTimeWatermarkForLateEvents = inputWatermarkForLateEvents(s.stateInfo.get), eventTimeWatermarkForEviction = inputWatermarkForEviction(s.stateInfo.get) )
As a result, it's the stateful physical node which is responsible for the state eviction and late data filtering. But it couldn't do this without the information provided by the watermark node.