Data validation frameworks - Great Expectations classes

Versions: Great Expectations 0.10.9

In my previous post I presented a very simplified version of a Great Expectations data validation pipeline. Today, before going further and integrating the pipeline with a data orchestration tool, it's a good moment to see what's inside the framework.

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In this article, I will present 6 important classes involved in the definition of the data validation pipeline. You don't need such deep understanding to run your own Great Expectations pipelines (the official doc should be sufficient for that), but since I don't like to run things without prior understanding, I will give a try and analyze the implementation details 🤓


That's the key of any Great Expectations project, a little bit like a SparkSession in Apache Spark applications. The DataContext instance defines the execution context in terms of data sources, expectations and data stores. It's also the class used when you call great-expectations init method. It'll then create the project structure alongside all required files.

Later on, you will interact with your DataContext instance to:

But DataContext is not the single context class available on Great Expectations. Another one is BaseDataContext that is the parent for DataContext and doesn't tend to keep the changes made programmatically in sync with the configuration files. Apart from it, there is also ExplorerDataContext. This class is actually a small mystery for me because the single difference is that initializes a field being an instance of ExpectationExplorer. From the code, we can see that it creates an HTML widget where the results of the expectation are set. The difference is that the widget seems to work only on Jupyter notebooks. I didn't succeed to run it though because on the "PandasDataset' object has no attribute 'data_asset_name'" error.


As the name indicates, this class represents all data validation rules (expectations) defined by the user. It's uniquely identified by a name and stores the list of all rules. Every rule is composed of a type and an arbitrary dictionary called kwargs where you find the properties like catch_exceptions, column, like in this snippet:

            'expectation_type': 'expect_column_values_to_not_be_null',
            'kwargs': {
                'column': 'source'

Every expectation starts with an expect_ prefix and basically they're abstract methods defined in every dataset. So every expectation is specialized depending on the used backend and for instance, in case of an Apache Spark DataFrame column values uniqueness, it looks like:

    def expect_column_values_to_be_unique(
        return column.withColumn('__success', count(lit(1)).over(Window.partitionBy(column[0])) <= 1)

For the column length expectation, the method is:

    def expect_column_value_lengths_to_equal(
        value, # int
        return column.withColumn('__success', when(length_(column[0]) == value, lit(True)).otherwise(lit(False)))

From these 2 snippets you can see one thing. Every expectation is applied separately on the dataset. From Apache Spark and especially big datasets, it can be problematic because Apache Spark will read the dataset once per expectation. Does it really happen? No because SparkDFDataset has a persist attribute that controls whether the input DataFrame should be cached or not, and if not set, it defaults to true:

    def __init__(self, spark_df, *args, **kwargs):
        # Creation of the Spark DataFrame is done outside this class
        self.spark_df = spark_df
        self._persist = kwargs.pop("persist", True)
        if self._persist:
        super(SparkDFDataset, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)


The next class is DataSource and its name is also quite self-explanatory. It defines then the place where the data we validate is living. The class also exposes get_batch method that is used by DataContext's get_batch.

DataSource's get_batch method is abstract. Every specific data source like a Spark DataFrame or a SQL table, is responsible for implementing it. Let's check the details for the former example:

        if "path" in batch_kwargs or "s3" in batch_kwargs:    
            path = batch_kwargs.get("path")
            path = batch_kwargs.get("s3", path)
            reader_method = batch_kwargs.get("reader_method")
            reader =

            for option in reader_options.items():
                reader = reader.option(*option)
            reader_fn = self._get_reader_fn(reader, reader_method, path)
            df = reader_fn(path)

        elif "query" in batch_kwargs:
            df = self.spark.sql(batch_kwargs["query"])

        elif "dataset" in batch_kwargs and isinstance(batch_kwargs["dataset"], (DataFrame, SparkDFDataset)):
            df = batch_kwargs.get("dataset")
            # We don't want to store the actual dataframe in kwargs; copy the remaining batch_kwargs
            batch_kwargs = {k: batch_kwargs[k] for k in batch_kwargs if k != 'dataset'}
            if isinstance(df, SparkDFDataset):
                # Grab just the spark_df reference, since we want to override everything else
                df = df.spark_df
            # Record this in the kwargs *and* the id
            batch_kwargs["SparkDFRef"] = True
            batch_kwargs["ge_batch_id"] = str(uuid.uuid1())

As you can see, depending on the configuration the DataFrame will be built differently. If we want to process some files, we'll use Apache Spark readers. If the reader is not supported (no reader_method in batch_kwargs or the failure of automatic resolution in SparkDFDatasource#_get_reader_fn, we can directly query a table or work on the dataset created outside Great Expectations. But the last option seems to be working only in a programmatic definition of the data source, like I did in the previous blog post. Just to show you the opposite way, we can work on batches that way:

batch = context.get_batch({'datasource': 'spark_df', 'reader_method': 'json',
                           'path': '/./input_test.json'}, expectation_suite)


You will see, a lot of parts of Great Expectations use Kwargs-like classes. Just to recall, in kwargs in Python is a structure that accepts named arguments. And if you check their implementation in Great Expectations, you will see that the Kwarg-like classes are dictionaries:

class IDDict(dict):
    _id_ignore_keys = set()

class BatchKwargs(IDDict):

class MetricKwargs(IDDict):

And more exactly, where they're used? You saw an example before where get_batch method required batch_kwargs parameters describing the data source. Internally, the logic of creating the physical dataset to validate was resolved in this place (Spark case):

        if "path" in batch_kwargs or "s3" in batch_kwargs:
            # If both are present, let s3 override
            path = batch_kwargs.get("path")
            path = batch_kwargs.get("s3", path)
            reader_method = batch_kwargs.get("reader_method")
            reader =

Another way to create batch_kwargs is to use any implementation of BatchKwargsGenerator or the one defined under datasource's batch_kwargs_generators key in the configuration file. Unfortunately, I didn't manage how to do use these generators. I tried the DataContext's build_batch_kwargs by specifying the data source name and the generator name, but it always ended with an error (ex. "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'update'" on line 72, in _get_iterator, asset_definition.update(datasource_batch_kwargs)). I tried to find the examples but all of them used directly created batch_kwargs, like I did in the previous section. So maybe generators are something that is not supposed to be used in the pipeline definition?


The Batch class represents the dataset that will be validated. Still depending on the data source type, it will be built differently depending on the provided kwargs. In the case of an Apache Spark source, the batch will contain the built DataFrame alongside the metadata information from the configuration:

        return Batch(

From the above snippet you can see some of the properties of the validated Batch. Unsurprisingly, it stores the physical data to validate (data attribute), but also some other parameters like batch_parameters (eg. asset or partition name, so all information describing the particular batch instance) or batch_markers (metadata about the given batch, like load time represented as ge_load_time in Spark source). The batch_parameters can be passed in the get_batch method, that way:

batch = context.get_batch({'datasource': 'spark_df', 'reader_method': 'json',
                           'path': '/home/bartosz/workspace/python-playground/great_expectations_test/input_test.json'},
                          batch_parameters={'description': "I'm testing the batch locally"})

Regarding batch_markers, they seem to be generated internally by Great Expectations. Both can be visualized at the end on the Great Expectations summary for every validation run:


This is the final class in our exploration responsible for the data validation (it couldn't be different, classes and variables are quite well named in the project; "There are two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation and naming things" if you don't know why I'm highlighting this point). ValidationOperator is an abstract class implemented by:

The physical validation is performed inside the run method which returns an object with the validation outcome.

In this second blog post about Great Expectations we've discovered the main classes involved in a data validation code. We learned about a DataContext that coordinates the whole execution and more the "worker" parts like ExpectationSuite, Batch, and ValidationOperator. In the next blog post from the series, I will check how to orchestrate the validation pipeline.

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