Data validation frameworks - introduction to Great Expectations

Versions: GreatExpectations 0.10.9

When I published my blog post about Deequ and Apache Griffin in March 2020, I thought that there was nothing more to do with data validation frameworks. Hopefully, Alexander Wagner pointed me out another framework, Great Expectations that I will discover in the series of 3 blog posts.

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It's the first post presenting Great Expectations. Since you can find a lot of information in the official documentation, I will try to focus on how to start to work with the framework, still trying to explain some implementation details. In this introductory part, you will discover the main components of the framework with a very simple data validation pipeline.

Building blocks

Great Expectations is a Python data validation framework. But don't get me wrong, it doesn't perform any data validation on its own. Instead, it delegates the physical execution of your validation rules to the available backends like PySpark or Pandas. A nice thing is that you can also plug it to Apache Airflow to have a fully automated data validation pipeline. It's a more advanced concept, but since it's close to my center of interest, I will describe in one of the next blog posts.

What do you need to do to write your own data validation rules? To run your pipeline you will need:

This short introduction should be sufficient to understand the code snippets from the next part.

Basic example

No worries if this part seems too high level, I will focus on the implementation details in the next blog post :) Meantime, let's continue with our basic example. The main requirement to run a Great Expectations pipeline is to define a great_expectations.yml file. I'm using here the default one generated by the CLI introduced above:

config_version: 1.0

    module_name: great_expectations.datasource
      module_name: great_expectations.dataset
      class_name: SparkDFDataset
    class_name: SparkDFDatasource
config_variables_file_path: uncommitted/config_variables.yml

plugins_directory: plugins/

    class_name: ActionListValidationOperator
    - name: store_validation_result
        class_name: StoreValidationResultAction
    - name: store_evaluation_params
        class_name: StoreEvaluationParametersAction
    - name: update_data_docs
        class_name: UpdateDataDocsAction
    class_name: ExpectationsStore
      class_name: TupleFilesystemStoreBackend
      base_directory: expectations/

    class_name: ValidationsStore
      class_name: TupleFilesystemStoreBackend
      base_directory: uncommitted/validations/

    class_name: EvaluationParameterStore

expectations_store_name: expectations_store
validations_store_name: validations_store
evaluation_parameter_store_name: evaluation_parameter_store

    class_name: SiteBuilder
    show_how_to_buttons: true
      class_name: TupleFilesystemStoreBackend
      base_directory: uncommitted/data_docs/local_site/
      class_name: DefaultSiteIndexBuilder

  enabled: true
  data_context_id: 396f985e-a877-4533-9284-71e1f901f228

The expectations could also be defined in the configuration file but to keep the most things possible in a single place, I will define them in the application code:

expectation_suite = ExpectationSuite(
            'expectation_type': 'expect_column_values_to_not_be_null',
            'kwargs': {
                'column': 'source'
        # I'm introducing the check on a not existing column on purpose
        # to see what types of errors are returned
            'expectation_type': 'expect_column_to_exist',
            'kwargs': {
                'column': 'website'

Do you remember when I said that you will understand why the validation rules are called expectations? As you can see in the snippet, all the rules start by expect_ prefix, hence quite naturally we can call them expectations :] After that, I'm loading the dataset to validate from PySpark:

spark = SparkSession.builder.master("local[2]")\
    .appName("JSON loader").getOrCreate()
# file comes from
json_dataset ='/home/bartosz/workspace/python-playground/great_expectations_test/input_test.json',

I didn't succeed to configure a JSON file as a valid source and that's the reason I'm loading it here from Apache Spark DataFrame - but you will see in my 3rd post from the series that we can do it differently, without involving Apache Spark. Later on, I'm defining the validation part which must start with DataContext initialization:

context = ge.data_context.DataContext()
# BK: I didn't find a way to overcome this limitation. The `datasource` parameter
#     has to be specified in the `batch_kwargs` and it also has to exist in the
#     `great_expectations_cli.yml` configuration.
batch_kwargs = {'datasource': 'spark_df', 'dataset': json_dataset}
batch = context.get_batch(batch_kwargs, expectation_suite)

As of this moment, nothing happens but remember the concept of batch that represents a part of the dataset to validate, or the whole dataset like in our case. To execute the validation, we have to call run_validation_operator and apply it to the batches we created so far:

# BK: As above, the operator's name must be defined in the `great_expectations_cli.yml` file
results = context.run_validation_operator(
    'action_list_operator', assets_to_validate=[batch], run_id='test_run'

The result variable is an object that contains, among others:

Below you can find a snippet with these 2 response components:

  'success': False,
  'details': {
   ExpectationSuiteIdentifier::json_test_expectations: {
     'validation_result': {
      "statistics": {
        "evaluated_expectations": 2,
        "successful_expectations": 1,
        "unsuccessful_expectations": 1,
        "success_percent": 50.0
      "success": false,
      "results": [
          "expectation_config": {
            "expectation_type": "expect_column_values_to_not_be_null",
            "kwargs": {
              "column": "source",
              "result_format": "SUMMARY"
            "meta": {}
          "success": true,
          "meta": {},
          "exception_info": {
            "raised_exception": false,
            "exception_message": null,
            "exception_traceback": null
          "result": {
            "element_count": 2,
            "unexpected_count": 0,
            "unexpected_percent": 0.0,
            "partial_unexpected_list": [],
            "partial_unexpected_index_list": null
          "expectation_config": {
            "expectation_type": "expect_column_to_exist",
            "kwargs": {
              "column": "website",
              "result_format": "SUMMARY"
            "meta": {}
          "success": false,
          "meta": {},
          "exception_info": {
            "raised_exception": false,
            "exception_message": null,
            "exception_traceback": null
          "result": {}
// ...

But that's not all. Great Expectations also offers a way to directly visualize your data visualization records! If you call context.open_data_docs() at the end of your pipeline, you will be able to visualize the Python object presented before in your browser:

In this first post about the Great Expectations framework I presented its main components like data sources and expectations, and also wrote a very basic data validation pipeline to see them in action. In the next blog post I will focus more on the implementation details to discover how these components work together.