Azure Synapse Link as Hybrid Transactional/Analytical Processing

I've discovered the term from the title while learning Azure Synapse and Cosmos DB services. I had heard of NoSQL, or even NewSQL, but never of a solution supporting analytical and transactional workloads at once.

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Hybrid Transactional/Analytical Processing 101

Although it's technically feasible to use transactional data in an analytical data store, it requires some important effort. You have to setup - and by setup I mean write the code and maintain it - a data synchronization Extract Load pipeline. It's not rocket science but it's still an extra item in the data system to take care of. Additionally, the analytical data stores are well known for their performance on handling big volumes of data. So having a job that copies each row written in the transactional data store may not be efficient.

Hybrid Transactional/Analytical Processing (HTAP) automates this manual process by making the data accessible without any prior effort. Put another way, every transactional write is available for analytical use cases without any data synchronization pipeline. It guarantees not only the seamless data exposition for each use case but also lower data latency due to the same storage implementation.

A great example for the HTAP is Azure Synapse Link. It's the component making transactional data from SQL Database or Cosmos DB queryable from Azure Synapse. How? Let's see the integration points for the integration with Cosmos DB.

Hybrid Transactional/Analytical Processing is not available for all cloud services but the example of Azure Synapse shows how it's interesting compared to the custom EL synchronization jobs!