It's time for the 3rd part of "What's new on the cloud for data engineers" series. This time I will cover the changes between February and April.
Even though the storage is cheap and virtually unlimited, it doesn't mean we have to store all the data all the time. And to deal with this lifecycle requirement, we can either write a pipeline that will remove obsolete records or we can rely on the cloud services offerings for data management. I propose a short overview of them in this blog post.
Despite the recent architectural proposals with the lakehouse principle, a data warehouse is still an important part of a data system. But there is no "a single way" to do it and if you analyze the cloud providers, you will see various offerings like Redshift (AWS) or BigQuery (GCP), presented in this article.
As you know from the last 2020 blog post, one of my new goals is to be proficient at working with AWS, Azure and GCP data services. One of the building blocks of the process is finding some patterns and identifying the differences. And before doing that exercise for BigTable (GCP) and DynamoDB (AWS), I thought both were pretty the same. However, you can't imagine how wrong I was with this assumption!
It's time for the second update with the news on cloud data services. This time too, a lot of things happened!
During my study of BigQuery I found an ETL pattern called feedback loop. Since I never heard about it before, I decided to spend some time and search for other ETL patterns and the cloud features we could use in them.
Cloud computing is present in my life for 4 years and I never found a good system to keep myself up to date. It's even more critical at this moment, when I'm trying to follow what happens on the 3 major providers (AWS, Azure, GCP). Since blogging helped me to achieve that for Apache Spark, and by the way learn from you, I'm gonna try the same solution for the cloud.
I had a chance to use, for a longer or shorter period of time, 3 different cloud providers. In this post I would like to share with you, how my perfect cloud provider could look like.