Spark driver executor articles

RPC in Apache Spark

The communication in distributed systems is an important element. The cluster members rarely share the hardware components and the single solution to communicate is the exchange of messages in the client-server model.

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Spark failure detection - heartbeats

One of problems in distributed computing is the failure detection. How a master node can know that some of its workers went down just a minute ? A popular and quite simple solution uses heartbeats sent at regular interval by the workers. Spark also implements this technique.

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Dynamic resource allocation in Spark

Defining the universal workload and associating corresponding resources is always difficult. Even if most of time expected resources will support the load, there always will be some interval in the year when data activity will grow (e.g. Black Friday). One of Spark's mechanisms helping to prevent processing failures in such situations is dynamic resource allocation.

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JARs split personality problem

Often making errors helps to progress. It was my case with spark-submit and local/remote JAR pair. They helped me to understand the role of driver, closures, serialization and some configuration properties.

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Code execution on driver and executors

Keeping in mind which parts of Spark code are executed on driver and which ones on workers is important and can help to avoid some of annoying errors, as the ones related to serialization.

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Configuration of Spark architecture members

Often a misconfiguration is the reason of all kinds of issues - performance, security or functional. Spark isn't an exception for this rule and it's the reason why this article focuses on configuration properties available for driver and executors.

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