Table file formats - reading path: Apache Iceberg

Versions: Apache Iceberg 0.13.1

Last week you could read about data reading in Delta Lake. Today it's time to cover this part in Apache Iceberg!

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Table types

I better understood the reading part after getting the table types part right. In Apache Iceberg you'll find 2 kinds of tables: metadata and data tables. The former represents any metadata query, such as the one targeting the table history, snapshot, or manifests. The data table on the other hand works on the stored dataset. The classes hierarchy of both types looks like in the schema below:

The tables are just classes that don't materialize the data as long as they're not queried. During the analysis stage the query execution creates a new instance of the table in the CachingCatalog#loadTable(TableIdentifier ident) method. Inside, you'll find the logic for distinguishing between data and metadata tables. The logic looks at the name of the table and if it exists among the MetadataTableType, the loader considers it as a metadata table:

public class CachingCatalog implements Catalog {
// ...
  public Table loadTable(TableIdentifier ident) {
    TableIdentifier canonicalized = canonicalizeIdentifier(ident);
// ...
    if (MetadataTableUtils.hasMetadataTableName(canonicalized)) {
// ...

public enum MetadataTableType {

// ...

public class MetadataTableUtils {
// ...
  public static boolean hasMetadataTableName(TableIdentifier identifier) {
    return MetadataTableType.from( != null;

Later, the loader calls a switch case to initialize the table corresponding to the type:

  private static Table createMetadataTableInstance(TableOperations ops, Table baseTable, String metadataTableName,
                                                   MetadataTableType type) {
    switch (type) {
      case ENTRIES:
        return new ManifestEntriesTable(ops, baseTable, metadataTableName);
      case FILES:
        return new DataFilesTable(ops, baseTable, metadataTableName);
      case HISTORY:
        return new HistoryTable(ops, baseTable, metadataTableName);

// ...

The things are a bit simpler for the data table that gets loaded directly from the Catalog instance wrapped by the CachingCatalog, for example HadoopCatalog.


Tables are static things, though. They won't read the data. The component responsible for the physical data processing are TableScans. Each Table exposes its own scan implementing this TableScan interface:

The TableScan interface defines 2 important things in Apache Iceberg data reading:

But bad news, the reading doesn't stop here! I'm analyzing Apache Iceberg from the Apache Spark's runner perspective, so there is an extra component which is the glue between these two worlds. It's SparkBatchScan and more exactly one of its 3 implementations:


The SparkBatchQueryScan is the abstraction exposed directly to Apache Spark for reading Apache Iceberg files. The interaction between these 2 components starts when Spark asks Iceberg to generate the list of input partitions. It does so by calling the SparkBatchQueryScan#planInputPartitions that does 2 major things, broadcasting the resolved Table and planning the scan tasks:

  public InputPartition[] planInputPartitions() {
// ...
    Broadcast<Table> tableBroadcast = sparkContext.broadcast(SerializableTable.copyOf(table));

    List<CombinedScanTask> scanTasks = tasks();
    InputPartition[] readTasks = new InputPartition[scanTasks.size()];

        .executeWith(localityPreferred ? ThreadPools.getWorkerPool() : null)
        .run(index -> readTasks[index] = new ReadTask(
            scanTasks.get(index), tableBroadcast, expectedSchemaString,
            caseSensitive, localityPreferred));

    return readTasks;

The key part here is the tasks() method. Why? Take a look at the following schema that illustrates other interactions between Apache Iceberg and Apache Spark in this physical data reading:

The tasks() is the generator of CombinedScanTasks that are later called by the RowReader which depending on the file type will operate on Apache Iceberg, Apache Orc, or Apache Avro. To be more precise, this tasks() method does 3 major steps to generate this CombinedScanTasks:

  1. Files planning. Here it retrieves all snapshots (manifest lists) with the associated manifest files (Apache Iceberg file system layout), and generates a list of FileScanTasks. Each of them contains the input query elements, such as filtering expression or partition information, and additionally, the information from the manifests, like the associated deleted files.
  2. Files splitting. In this step, the list of FileScanTask gets splitted according to the value defined in the property (128MB by default). The action happens in TableScanUtil#splitFiles that calls the split(long splitSize) method of each of the input FileScanTask.
    public class TableScanUtil {
    // ...
      public static CloseableIterable<FileScanTask> splitFiles(CloseableIterable<FileScanTask> tasks, long splitSize) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(splitSize > 0, "Invalid split size (negative or 0): %s", splitSize);
        Iterable<FileScanTask> splitTasks = FluentIterable
            .transformAndConcat(input -> input.split(splitSize));
        // Capture manifests which can be closed after scan planning
        return CloseableIterable.combine(splitTasks, tasks);
    public interface FileScanTask extends ScanTask {
    // ...
      Iterable<FileScanTask> split(long splitSize);
  3. Tasks planning. It's the final step where the operation creates the final list of CombinedScanTasks. It uses a bin-packing iterator to optimize the smaller splitted FileScanTasks and put them together in the input partition, therefore reducing the number of Apache Spark tasks.

The whole algorithm, but as a code, looks like:

abstract class BaseTableScan implements TableScan {
// ...
  public CloseableIterable<CombinedScanTask> planTasks() {
    CloseableIterable<FileScanTask> fileScanTasks = planFiles();
    CloseableIterable<FileScanTask> splitFiles = TableScanUtil.splitFiles(fileScanTasks, targetSplitSize());
    return TableScanUtil.planTasks(splitFiles, targetSplitSize(), splitLookback(), splitOpenFileCost());

And starting from that the RowReader enters into action and processes the associated files in the task.

After analyzing this reading part I must admit to be less surprised by the snapshot-related features than before discovering it in Delta Lake, but was very amazed by the integration with Apache Spark. Knowing that Apache Spark was only one of the supported runtime environments and having to find the right abstractions and the glue to connect these separate parts, was a challenging software engineering part! I can't wait now to see what Apache Hudi reserves to me in this field!