2023 retrospective on waitingforcode.com

This is one of my favorite blog posts, the yearly retrospective. Every year I summarize what happened in the past 12 months and share with you my future plans. It's time for the 2023 Edition!

Data Engineering Design Patterns

Looking for a book that defines and solves most common data engineering problems? I'm currently writing one on that topic and the first chapters are already available in πŸ‘‰ Early Release on the O'Reilly platform

I also help solve your data engineering problems πŸ‘‰ contact@waitingforcode.com πŸ“©

Blog in 2023

This year I blogged less for the 5th year in a row. I added only 53 blog posts which is 15 less than last year and 40 less than 2 years ago:

YearBlog posts

The tendency confirms the trend that has started in 2020. Back then, I've decided to diversify and instead of blogging only, make an effort on writing ebooks (Data Engineering patterns on the cloud, 2022) and on preparing video online courses (Better data engineering, since 2020, currently on hold). Besides, I've been spending more time with my little family that will get a new member in a few days 👶 Even though I would like to do more things and do them faster, I'm pretty happy with the current writing pace.

Regarding the blog posts themselves, as stream processing is my current focus, I naturally wrote the most on that topic:

TopicBlog posts in 2023
Apache Spark Structured Streaming 14
General data engineering 11
Delta Lake 8
Data engineering on the cloud 5
Apache Spark 4
Data engineering on AWS 3
Apache Flink 3
Apache Iceberg 2
Apache Spark SQL 2
Data engineering 1

Plans for 2023

Before I share with you my plans for 2023, let's go back to 2022 and see what I have been expecting from it and what was the realty:


Become a Data Engineer:

Data engineering patterns on the cloud:


Cloud data engineer:

Plans for 2024

What about next year?


Secret project:

Become a Better Data Engineer:

Data engineering patterns on the cloud:


Cloud data engineer:

These are just the plans. I know from the past that I might not fully succeed in reaching them. I may discover another exciting thing in 2023, take more time than expected for preparing a certification, or simply speak not at 1 but 6 conferences. Anyway, I will share all the defeats and victories with you next December. Thank you for being with me in 2023 and hope to see you next year too!

Wishing you all a happy, healthy and successful 2024!

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