2024 retrospective on waitingforcode.com

Even though I was blogging less in the second half of the previous year, the retrospective is still the blog post I'm waiting for each year. Every year I summarize what happened in the past 12 months and share with you my future plans. It's time for the 2024 Edition!

Data Engineering Design Patterns

Looking for a book that defines and solves most common data engineering problems? I'm currently writing one on that topic and the first chapters are already available in πŸ‘‰ Early Release on the O'Reilly platform

I also help solve your data engineering problems πŸ‘‰ contact@waitingforcode.com πŸ“©

Data engineering design patterns

In my previous retrospective I had an item called Secret project. Many of you already know it was a code name for the Data Engineering Design Patterns book I'm currently writing.

My initial goal was to keep both the blog and the book at the normal writing pace which for the blog means 1 post per week, and for the book sticking to the release plan. But as you noticed, it was not possible as I stopped blogging in August. The book, due to the expected delivery outcomes, has became my priority which translated into:

Hopefully, you understand better now why I couldn't keep the initial pace for blog posts.

Blog in 2024

Despite switching my focus on the book, I published some blog posts. For sure, the number decreased for the 6th year in a row but I hope the blogs delivered some value to you about stream processing with Apache Spark Structured Streaming and friends:

YearBlog posts

According to my initial plans, I spent most of my efforts on the streaming topics. It explains the domination of Apache Spark Structured Streaming, and the first mentions of Apache Flink in the statistics per category:

TopicBlog posts in 2024
Apache Spark Structured Streaming 10
General data engineering 7
Delta Lake 4
Apache Flink 3
Apache Spark 1
Apache Spark SQL 1
Data engineering patterns 1
Data engineering on the cloud 1

Plans for 2024

Before I share with you my plans for 2024, let's go back to 2023 and see what I have been expecting from it and what was the realty:


Secret project (aka Data Engineering Design Patterns):

Become a Data Engineer:

Data engineering patterns on the cloud:


Cloud data engineer:

Plans for 2025

What about next year?

Data Engineering Design Patterns:



Become a Better Data Engineer:

Data engineering patterns on the cloud:


Cloud data engineer:

The list may look as not challenging at all; just a few blog posts to write. But believe me, it's not the case. I have another list with more private topics and when I mix them, my waitingforcode plans for 2025 are ambitious, but exciting at the same time. See you there in 12 months to see how well I did. Hopefully meantime I'll be able to write some interesting posts for you :)

Wishing you all a happy, healthy and successful 2025!

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