Log-structured file system

Sequential writes made their proofs in distributed data-driven systems. Usually they perform better than random writes, especially in systems with intensive writes. Beside the link to the Big Data, the sequential writes are also related to another type of systems called log-structured file systems that were defined late 1980's.

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This post focuses on sequential writes in the context of log-structured file system. The first section explains the sequential writes and their differences with random writes. The second part introduces the concept of log-structured file system (LFS). The last part shows a simple implementation of some concepts of this system in Scala.

Sequential writes defined

Before talking about sequential writes, we'd begin by recall 2 units impacting writing data on flash disks: block and page. A block is the smallest unit that can be erased. In the other side, a page is the smallest writable unit. So to tell simply, when we write a new file, we write the pages and when we remove one, the work is done on blocks.

With this short recall we can now see what happens for sequential writes. A sequential write occurs when the block written by given operation directly follows the last block of previous I/O operation. Thus as we can correctly deduce, the data is written per block basis. It guarantees a good write performance as well for file creation and removal operations.

It's not the case of random writes where the pages are written sequentially but throughout the blocks. Thus one block can store the data belonging to 2 or more different files. As you imagine, it makes the I/O operations more complex - especially for the removal when the erased block contains both valid and invalid data. For this case, the valid data must be moved to other block. Since the sequential writes work per block, most of time there is no need to move parts between blocks.

Another difference concerns classical magnetic disks. In these traditional disk-based systems the random writes are based on "seek-write-seek-write" pattern. Each seek takes about 10 ms and since random writes make a seek for each write, this operation automatically takes longer than sequential one where seeks don't exist. The difference is less visible for the case of already quoted flash disks that don't have moving parts. However it can also be observed here, especially when data smaller than page size is written.

Log-structured file system

The LFS is based on the following concepts:

The concepts above can be resumed in the following images:


It's a data structure describing a directory or file in Unix-style file system. It contains some metadata (as time of last change, owner or permissions) and disk block(s) location(s).

In Ubuntu the stats about inodes can be retrieved with df -i command and a simple output can look like:

bartosz:~$ df -i -h
Filesystem             Inodes IUsed IFree IUse% Mounted on
udev                     1,5M   578  1,5M    1% /dev
tmpfs                    1,5M   896  1,5M    1% /run
/dev/sda8                 34M  1,2M   33M    4% /

The LFS sounds familiar ? Yes, the similar concept is used in Big Data systems such as Apache Kafka. As explained in the introduction to Apache Kafka, it's an append-only log system. We retrieve some of LFS important concepts: data buffering in memory and sequence writes to persistent log file. LFS concept can also be found in Cassandra, especially through commitlog directory.

Log-structured file system example

A simplified version of log-structured file system is implemented in the below snippet:

class LogStructuredFileSystemTest extends FunSuite with BeforeAndAfter with Matchers {

  before {

  test("should create LFS with 2 segments") {
    val segment2 = new Segment()
    val segment1 = new Segment(Some(segment2))
    val logStructuredFileSystem = getNewLogStructuredFileSystem(segment1)
    segment1.addFile(File("README.md", Seq(Block(0, AddressRepository.getNextAddress),
      Block(1, AddressRepository.getNextAddress), Block(2, AddressRepository.getNextAddress))))
    segment1.addFile(File("LogStructuredFileSystem.scala", Seq(Block(0, AddressRepository.getNextAddress),
      Block(1, AddressRepository.getNextAddress))))
    segment2.addFile(File("log4j.properties", Seq(Block(0, AddressRepository.getNextAddress))))

    val stringifiedLfs = logStructuredFileSystem.stringify()

    stringifiedLfs should equal("CR (INodeMap(Map(README.md -> A#3, LogStructuredFileSystem.scala -> A#6, " +
      "log4j.properties -> A#8))) | Block#0 | Block#1 | Block#2 | README.md; address[0]=A#0, address[1]=A#1, " +
      "address[2]=A#2| Block#0 | Block#1 | LogStructuredFileSystem.scala; address[0]=A#4, address[1]=A#5| " +
      "Block#0 | log4j.properties; address[0]=A#7")

  test("should append new fragment to file") {
    val segment2 = new Segment()
    val segment1 = new Segment(Some(segment2))
    val logStructuredFileSystem = getNewLogStructuredFileSystem(segment1)
    // Create the 1st segment with the file to override
    segment1.addFile(File("README.md", Seq(Block(0, AddressRepository.getNextAddress),
      Block(1, AddressRepository.getNextAddress), Block(2, AddressRepository.getNextAddress))))
    // Append new fragment in another segment
    segment2.appendToFile(File("README.md", Seq(Block(3, AddressRepository.getNextAddress))),

    val readmeFileBlocks = logStructuredFileSystem.readFile("README.md")

    readmeFileBlocks should have size 4
    // It's 0, 1, 2 and 4 because 3 and 5 addresses are taken by inodes
    readmeFileBlocks should contain allOf("A#0", "A#1", "A#2", "A#4")

  test("should override the file") {
    val segment2 = new Segment()
    val segment1 = new Segment(Some(segment2))
    val logStructuredFileSystem = getNewLogStructuredFileSystem(segment1)
    // Create the 1st segment with the file to overriden
    segment1.addFile(File("README.md", Seq(Block(0, AddressRepository.getNextAddress),
      Block(1, AddressRepository.getNextAddress), Block(2, AddressRepository.getNextAddress))))
    // Create the final segment overriding the file from the 1st segment
    segment2.addFile(File("README.md", Seq(Block(0, AddressRepository.getNextAddress))))

    val readmeFileBlocks = logStructuredFileSystem.readFile("README.md")

    readmeFileBlocks should have size 1
    readmeFileBlocks(0) should equal("A#4")

  test("should remove not used blocks and inodes") {
    val segment3 = new Segment()
    val segment2 = new Segment(Some(segment3))
    val segment1 = new Segment(Some(segment2))
    val logStructuredFileSystem = getNewLogStructuredFileSystem(segment1)
    // Create the 1st segment with the file to override
    segment1.addFile(File("README.md", Seq(Block(0, AddressRepository.getNextAddress),
      Block(1, AddressRepository.getNextAddress), Block(2, AddressRepository.getNextAddress))))
    // Create the next segment with another file
    segment2.addFile(File("about.html", Seq(Block(0, AddressRepository.getNextAddress))))
    // Create the final segment overriding the file from the 1st segment
    segment3.addFile(File("README.md", Seq(Block(0, AddressRepository.getNextAddress))))

    val invalidAddresses = GarbageCollector.getInvalidAddresses(logStructuredFileSystem)

    invalidAddresses should contain allOf("A#0", "A#1", "A#2")

  private def getNewLogStructuredFileSystem(firstSegment: Segment): LogStructuredFileSystem = {
    val checkpointRegion = new CheckpointRegion(Some(firstSegment))
    new LogStructuredFileSystem(checkpointRegion)


class LogStructuredFileSystem(val checkpointRegion: CheckpointRegion) {

  def addSegment(segment: Segment): Unit = {
    checkpointRegion.mostRecentINodeMap = buidNewMostRecentINodeMap(segment.getINodeMap)

  def stringify(): String = {
    val stringifiedCheckpointRegion = checkpointRegion.stringify()
    var currentSegment = checkpointRegion.firstSegment
    var stringifiedSegments = ""
    while (currentSegment.isDefined) {
      stringifiedSegments += currentSegment.get.stringify()
      currentSegment = currentSegment.get.nextSegment
    s"${stringifiedCheckpointRegion} ${stringifiedSegments}"

  def readFile(fileName: String): Seq[String] = {
    // Instead of reading a file we'll simply return its blocks
    val fileMostRecentINodeAddress = checkpointRegion.mostRecentINodeMap.inodes(fileName)
    val mostRecentInode = SystemCache.globalCache(fileMostRecentINodeAddress)

  private def buidNewMostRecentINodeMap(segmentINodeMap: INodeMap): INodeMap = {
    // Please note that the INodeMap creation is often delayed in time
    // But here for the reason of simplicity we prefer to build it immediately
    val newMap = checkpointRegion.mostRecentINodeMap.inodes ++ segmentINodeMap.inodes

class CheckpointRegion(val firstSegment: Option[Segment]) {
  var mostRecentINodeMap: INodeMap = new INodeMap(Map.empty)

  def stringify(): String = {
    s"CR (${mostRecentINodeMap})"


class Segment(val nextSegment: Option[Segment] = None) {

  private val files = new ListBuffer[File]()

  private var iNodeMap: Option[INodeMap] = None

  def addFile(file: File): Unit = files.append(file)

  def appendToFile(file: File, mostRecentImap: INodeMap) = {
    val fileMostRecentINodeAddress = mostRecentImap.inodes(file.fileName)
    val mostRecentInode = SystemCache.globalCache(fileMostRecentINodeAddress)
    val fileWithOldAndNewBlocks = file.copy(previousBlockAddresses = mostRecentInode.blockAddresses)

  def flush(logStructuredFileSystem: LogStructuredFileSystem): Unit = {
    iNodeMap = Some(constructINodeMap)

  def stringify(): String = {
    val segmentContent = files.map(file => file.stringify).mkString("")

  def getINodeMap = iNodeMap.get

  def getSegmentSummary: Map[String, (String, Int)] = {
    val summary: Map[String, (String, Int)] = Map(files.flatMap {
      file =>file.blocks.map(block => block.address -> (file.fileName, block.index))
    }: _*)

  private def constructINodeMap(): INodeMap = {
    val inodesMap = files.map(file => (file.fileName, file.inode.address)).toMap


case class Block(index: Int, address: String) {

  def stringify: String = s"Block#${index}"


case class INode(fileName: String, address: String, blockAddresses: Seq[String]) {

  def stringify: String = {
    val addresses = blockAddresses.zipWithIndex
      .map(addressWithIndex => s"address[${addressWithIndex._2}]=${addressWithIndex._1}")
      .mkString(", ")
    s"${fileName}; ${addresses}"


case class INodeMap(inodes: Map[String, String])

case class File(fileName: String, blocks: Seq[Block], previousBlockAddresses: Seq[String] = Seq.empty) {

  val blockAddresses = previousBlockAddresses ++ blocks.map(block => block.address)

  val inode: INode = {
    INode(fileName, AddressRepository.getNextAddress, blockAddresses)

  def stringify: String = {
    val blocksSeparated = blocks.map(block => block.stringify).mkString(" | ")
    "| " + blocksSeparated + " | " + inode.stringify



object GarbageCollector {

  def getInvalidAddresses(logStructuredFileSystem: LogStructuredFileSystem): Seq[String] = {
    // To keep the code simple we don't implement here the segments cleaning part
    // Instead we only show how the invalid blocks are detected
    var notUsedAddresses: Seq[String] = Seq.empty
    val mostRecentIMap = logStructuredFileSystem.checkpointRegion.mostRecentINodeMap
    var readSegment = logStructuredFileSystem.checkpointRegion.firstSegment
    while (readSegment.isDefined) {
      val segmentSummary = readSegment.get.getSegmentSummary
      val notUsedSegmentsAddresses = segmentSummary.filterNot(entry => {
        val (address, fileWithIndex) = entry
        checkIfAddressIsUsed(address, fileWithIndex, mostRecentIMap)
      }).map(entry => entry._1)
      notUsedAddresses = notUsedAddresses ++ notUsedSegmentsAddresses
      readSegment = readSegment.get.nextSegment

  private def checkIfAddressIsUsed(address: String, fileWithIndex: (String, Int),
                                   mostRecentIMap: INodeMap): Boolean = {
    val iNodeAddress = mostRecentIMap.inodes.getOrElse(fileWithIndex._1, "")
    val inode = SystemCache.globalCache.get(iNodeAddress)
    if (inode.isDefined) {
      val addressForIndex = inode.get.blockAddresses.applyOrElse(fileWithIndex._2, s"--${address}")
      addressForIndex == address
    } else {


object SystemCache {

  val globalCache = mutable.Map[String, INode]()

  def addToGlobalCache(inode: INode): Unit = globalCache.put(inode.address, inode)


object AddressRepository {

  private var currentAddressIndex = -1

  def getNextAddress: String = {
    currentAddressIndex += 1

  def clear = currentAddressIndex = -1


This post shown how sequential writes can be used in the construction of log-based systems. In the first section we could discover the main reasons behind sequential writes performance: no time spent on seeks and easier I/O operations based on blocks. The second section introduced a system built on sequential writes - log-structured file system. We could learn its main concepts, such as: segments, append-only character, imap or garbage collection. The last part shown a simple implementation of some of these concepts in object-oriented Scala code.