Unit testing in data systems can be hard

And it shouldn't be, right? After all, it's "just" about using a Unit Test framework and defining the test cases. Well, that's "just" a theory!

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Unit Tests are the first layer of protection against code regressions. However, they're very hard to create and maintain through the project lifecycle. Why? This blog post is here to show some difficult points you might face one day.

Dataset - definition

Jacqueline Bilston summarized the problem greatly in her talk at the previous Data+AI Summit. It's better to have small-scoped tests than big ones covering different scenarios and features. Not only they spot issues earlier but also are easier to maintain. Unfortunately, there are still some issues with this crucial point of Unit Tests.

The first one is how to generate the datasets? The most naïve strategy is to simply extract the data from the system, reduce the volume, and put it as files under the resources directory. Although it works great to bootstrap the project, it can be difficult to manage in the long term because of the following issues:

There is no magic solution but IMO, a better approach than having a lot of JSON, CSV, or binary input files in the tests package, is to generate them from the code with the help of a DSL or the prototype design pattern. The thinking behind the approach is the Pareto rule. Most of the time 80% of the input dataset attributes will remain unchanged and only 20% will have an immediate impact on the tested function. There is no reason to repeat the logic or declare all the attributes every time explicitly. They can be simply pre-filled. Moreover, code like that is easier to evolve. You need to change an attribute or add a new one? No problem, if you do it wrong, the compiler will warn you about an issue! Of course, you can still miss something but at least any evolution is supported not only by you, your colleagues reviewing the PR, but also by the compiler and the IDE! You can find an example of the Prototype pattern used in tests definition below:

class Order:

    def __init__(self, id: int = randint(0, 100000), amount: float = 33.33,
                 user: str = f"user{int(time.time())}", coupon: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
        self.id = id
        self.amount = amount
        self.user = user
        self.coupon = coupon

The idea of DSL is even funnier to code! It lets you explore all the syntactic sugar available in each programming language but the topic is way more complex than the Prototype pattern and I prefer to cover it in another blog post.

Dataset - consistency

The consistency is even harder than the previous point. How to ensure that the data you put in your tests corresponds to reality? There is no other choice here than asking the real world data and adding specific interfaces to the test data generators.

To understand the idea better, let's analyze the 2 main components of the design:

You can find a simple implementation of that idea just below:

In my example I'm using Pytest fixture from a conftest.py file that is executed after all unit tests. I'm of course mocking the data profiling validation method but it's there to show the validation idea only:

def validate_item_against_data_profiling_endpoint(item) -> bool:
    return False

@pytest.fixture(scope="session", autouse=True)
def my_session_finish(request):
    def _end():
        items_to_validate = DataGeneratorWrapper().get_items()
        has_error = False
        for item_to_validate in items_to_validate:
            if not validate_item_against_data_profiling_endpoint(item_to_validate):
                print(f'Error while validating {item_to_validate}')
                has_error = True

        if has_error:
            raise Exception("Test are inconsistent with the data profile")

The data is manually put by the error creation method whenever a new item to validate is created:

class Singleton(type):
    _instances = {}
    def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if cls not in cls._instances:
            cls._instances[cls] = super(Singleton, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
        return cls._instances[cls]

class DataGeneratorWrapper(metaclass=Singleton):
    def __init__(self):
        self.container = []

    def add_item(self, item: Any):
        print(f'adding {item}')

    def get_items(self):
        return self.container

class OrderDataGenerator:

    def generate_order(id: int, amount: float = 100.55, user: str = "user 1", coupon=None) -> Order:
        generated_order = Order(
            id=id, amount=amount, user=user, coupon=coupon
        return generated_order

def test_if_id_is_negative():
    order = OrderDataGenerator.generate_order(id=-1)

    assert order.id == -1, "Negative id should be allowed"

def test_if_id_is_positive():
    order = OrderDataGenerator.generate_order(id=1)

    assert order.id == 1, "Positive id should be allowed"

Dataset - schema

The third difficulty in writing unit tests for dynamically evolving datasets is the schema management. More exactly, it's the question on how to ensure that the schema of the input data is still accurate? Similarly to the dataset consistency, we can also rely here on an external component called Schema Registry. Although a lot of you associate it with Apache Kafka and Apache Avro, the solution works for other stacks as well, a little less evolved though. How?

Let me first give you an overly simplified Schema Registry definition. To put it short, it's a queryable place where you store the schema definitions and eventually, can define the schema evolution enforcement rules (it's a very demanded nice-to-have requirement). So it's an Apache Kafka Schema Registry component but also a...Git repo where you can consider a new schema at each released tag.

The schema check can be implemented at any place, in the CI pipeline, as a pre-commit Git hook, or as a unit test. In my example I'm cloning data-generator repository and comparing the latest tag with the schema tag supported by the application:

# It imitates a config directory

from git import Repo

from schema.schema_holder import SCHEMA_VERSION

def test_if_schema_tag_is_the_same_as_on_production():
    schema_repostiroy_repo = Repo.clone_from("https://github.com/bartosz25/data-generator.git", "/tmp/repo")
    tags = sorted(schema_repostiroy_repo.tags, key=lambda t: t.commit.committed_datetime)
    latest_tag = tags[-1]

    assert str(latest_tag) == SCHEMA_VERSION, "a new schema was released, please update the application code"

In this blog post I shared with you the fears I have each time I write the Unit Tests. Indeed, defining them helps make the code better, more reliable, and easier to maintain, but if the tests don't reflect reality, their protection against unexpected issues will be weaker.

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