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ScalaTest, as xUnit family testing frameworks, provides a lot of features. Even though several of them are not frequently used, it's always good to know them and the context of their use.
Recently in this series about Scala features I covered the partially applied functions. At first glance we could think they are the same as partial functions. But it's not really true and this post will explain why.
In the occasion of the post about currying I mentioned shortly the existence of similar concept called partially applied functions. This idea will be explained in this post.
Recently we discovered a lot of topics related to the eventual consistency (ACID 2.0, CRDT, CALM...). Some of these posts had the code examples using the Akka distributed data module that will be covered below.
Scala is a hybrid language implementing both functional and object-oriented features. One of them that merits to be analyzed is currying.
At first glance the wide choice of testing families in Scala can scary. After all in JUnit and other xUnit frameworks, the choice of tests declaration is limited. Hopefully after some digging ScalaTest's testing styles become more obvious to understand and to use.
Scala has a rich type system and one of interesting features are type bounds.
This post begins the series of posts about Scala's features called "One Scala feature per week". Every week one particular Scala's functionality will be covered. This beginning post will explain context bound.
Using the right tool at the right time is important in every domain. It's particularly useful in the case of collections that can have different complexity for writing and reading. And very often this difference can dictate the use of one specific implementation.