Data processing articles

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User Defined Type

Spark SQL schema is very flexible. It supports global data types, as booleans, integers, strings, but it also supports custom data types called User Defined Type (UDT).

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Spark SQL - even if the SQL suffix makes automatically think about RDBMS - works well with other data sources, as even plain CSVs or JSON files. This relation would be difficult to achieve without the concept of schema.

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Generated code in Spark SQL

One of powerful features of Spark SQL is dynamic generation of code. Several different layers are generated and this post explains some of them.

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Spark Project Tungsten

Even if Project Tungsten was started in Spark 1.5 and Spark's current version is 2.1 at the time of writing, it's good to know what precious this Project brought to Spark.

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Catalyst Optimizer in Spark SQL

The use of Dataset abstraction is not a single difference between structured and unstructured data processing in Spark. Apart of that, Spark SQL uses a technique helping to get results faster.

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Dataset in Spark SQL

Spark 2.0 brought some changes at API level. One of them was the merge of DataFrame with Dataset. Thanks to that the 3rd data abstraction, present yet in 1.6, was finally removed.

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Configuration of Spark architecture members

Often a misconfiguration is the reason of all kinds of issues - performance, security or functional. Spark isn't an exception for this rule and it's the reason why this article focuses on configuration properties available for driver and executors.

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Spark shuffle - complementary notes

This small post is the complement for previous article describing big lines of shuffle. It focuses more in details on writing part.

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Memory management in Spark

Memory management in Spark went through some changes. In the first versions, the allocation had a fix size. Only the 1.6 release changed it to more dynamic behavior. This change will be the main topic of the post.

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Shuffling in Spark

As already told in one of previous posts about Spark, shuffle is a process which moves data between nodes. It's orchestrated by a specific manager and it will be the topic of this post.

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Cache in Spark

Cache is an appreciable tool when we have a greedy computation generating a lot of data. Spark also uses this feature to better handle the case of RDD which generation is heavy (for example necessities database connection or data retrieval from external web services).

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Checkpointing in Spark

Checkpointing is, alongside caching, a method allowing to make a RDD persist. But there are some subtle differences between cache and checkpoint.

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Serialization in Spark

Serialization frameworks are intrinsic part of Big Data systems. Spark is not an exception for this rule and it offers some different possibilities to manage serialization.

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Window-based transformations in Spark Streaming

Regarding to batch-oriented processing in Spark, new transformation types in Spark Streaming are based on time periods.

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Per-partition operations in Spark

Spark was developed to work on big amount of data. If big means millions of items. For every item one or several costly operations are done, it'll lead quick to performance problems. It's one of the reasons why Spark proposes operations executed once per partition.

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Stateful transformations in Spark Streaming

Spark Streaming is able to handle state-based operations, ie. operations containing a state susceptible to be modified in subsequent batches of data.

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Spark Streaming checkpointing and Write Ahead Logs

Checkpoint allows Spark to truncate dependencies on previously computed RDDs. In the case of streams processing their role is extended. In additional, they're not a single method to prevent against failures.

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Spark Streaming configuration

Even if Spark Streaming uses globally the same configuration as batch, there are some of entries specific to streaming.

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Receivers in Spark Streaming

Standard data sources, such as files, queues or sockets are natively implement in Spark Streaming context. But the framework allows the creation of more flexible data consumers called receivers.

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DStream transformations

Spark Streaming is not static and allows to convert DStreams to new types. It can be done, exactly as for batch-oriented processing, through transformations.

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