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The code generated by Apache Spark for all the queries defined with higher-level concepts as SQL queries is the key to understand the processing logic performance. This post, started after a discussion on my Github, tries to explain some of the basics of code generation workflow.
After last week's global overview of graph representation in GraphX module, it's time to go a little bit deeper and analyze the 2 main components of graphs: vertices and edges. We'll begin here with the former ones.
Some weeks ago I've written a post about files with long lines impact on RDD-based processing. The post revealed the difficulty to process such files because of OOM errors. In this post I wanted to check how does it apply to Datasets.
Bad things happen in distributed data processing and if we're prepared for them, it's better. To prevent against such issues Apache Spark is able to recompute failed partition but also to store the computation snapshot as a checkpoint. Both properties apply to GraphX module's fault-tolerance mechanism.
With data-intensive applications as the streaming ones, bad memory management can add long pauses for GC. Luckily, we can reduce this impact by writing memory-optimized code and using the storage outside the heap called off-heap.
Apache Spark uses a common data abstraction for all its higher level data structures. This implementation rule isn't different for GraphX represented by the sets of specialized versions of RDDs.
Some months ago bithw1 posted an interesting question on my Github about multiple SparkSessions sharing the same SparkContext. If you have similar interrogations, feel free to ask - maybe it will give a birth to more detailed post adding some more value to the community. This post, at least, tries to do so by answering the question.
Every time when we learn a new topic, it's important to start from the basics. We couldn't learn a new language without knowing the order of subject and verbs in a sentence. The same rule applies to Apache Spark's GraphX module that will be covered in this category. But before going into details, we'll focus on its basics.
Some time ago on my Github bithw1 pointed out an interesting behavior of Hive integration on Apache Spark SQL. To not delve too much into details now, I can tell that the behavior was about not respected DataFrame schema. Our quick exchange ended up with an explanation but it also encouraged me to go much more into details to understand the hows and whys.
Apache Spark SQL provides advanced analytics features that we can find in more classical OLAP-based workloads. Below I'll explain one of them.
Even though Apache Spark provides GraphX module, it's still possible to use the framework with other graph-based engines. One of them is Neo4j. But before using its Spark connector, it's good to know some internal execution details - especially the ones related to scalability.
Unlike Hadoop Map/Reduce, Apache Spark uses the power of memory to speed-up data processing. But does it mean that we can't process datasets bigger than the memory limits ? Below small survey will try to answer to that question.
Most of RDBMS are able to store JSON documents in columns of JSON-like type. One of them is PostgreSQL that can keep JSONs in one of 2 columns (JSON or JSONB) and that natively enables querying of JSON document attributes. As we'll see below, with a little bit of effort we can implement similar behavior in Apache Spark SQL.
Compressed data takes less place and thus may be sent faster across the network. However these advantages transform in drawbacks in the case of parallel distributed data processing where the engine doesn't know how to split it for better parallelization. Fortunately, some of compression formats can be splitted.
Nested data structure is very useful in data denormalization for Big Data needs. It avoids joins that we could use for several related and fully normalized datasets. But processing such data structures is not always simple. Fortunately Apache Spark SQL provides different utility functions helping to work with them.
One of previous posts in SQL category presented window functions that can be used to compute values per grouped rows. These analytics functions are also available in Apache Spark SQL.
In 3 recent posts about Apache Spark Structured Streaming we discovered streaming joins: inner joins, outer joins and state management strategies. Discovering what happens under-the-hood of all of these operations is a good point to sum up the series.
Initialization is a very first step of almost all applications. Unsurprisingly it's also the case of Kubernetes that uses Init Containers to execute some setup operations before launching the pods.
Last weeks we've discovered 2 stream-to-stream join types in Apache Spark Structured Streaming. As told in these posts, state management logic may be sometimes omitted (for inner joins) but generally it's advised to reduce the memory pressure. Apache Spark proposes 3 different state management strategies that will be detailed in the following sections.
Previously we discovered inner stream-to-stream joins in Apache Spark but they aren't the single supported type. Another one are outer joins that let us to combine streams without matching rows.