Data processing articles

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Apache Spark 2.4.0 features - EXCEPT ALL and INTERSECT ALL

Apache Spark 2.4.0 brought a lot of internal changes but also some new features exposed to the end users, as already presented high-order functions. In this post, I will present another new feature, or rather 2 actually, because I will talk about 2 new SQL functions.

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Monotonically increasing id function in Apache Spark SQL

Some time ago I was thinking whether Apache Spark provides the support for auto-incremented values, so hard to implement in distributed environments After some research, I almost found what I was looking for - monotonically increasing id. In this post, I will try to explain why "almost".

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Introduction to custom optimization in Apache Spark SQL

In November 2018 bithw1 pointed out to me a feature that I haven't used yet in Apache Spark - custom optimization. After some months consacred to learning Apache Spark GraphX, I finally found a moment to explore it. This post begins a new series about Apache Spark customization and it covers the basics, i.e. the 2 available methods to add the custom optimizations.

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Motifs finding in GraphFrames

In the previous post in GraphFrames category I mentioned the motifs finding feature and promised to write a separate post about it. After several weeks dedicated to the Apache Spark 2.4.0 features, I finally managed to find some time to explore the motifs finding in GraphFrames.

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Initializing state in Structured Streaming

Some time ago I was asked by Sunil whether it was possible to load the initial state in Apache Spark Structured Streaming like in DStream-based API. Since the response was not obvious, I decided to investigate and share the findings through this post.

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Memory and Apache Spark classes

In previous posts about memory in Apache Spark, I've been exploring memory behavior of Apache Spark when the input files are much bigger than the allocated memory. After that it's a good moment to sum up that in the post dedicated to classes involved in memory using tasks.

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Visualizing Apache Spark GraphX data processing with websockets and cytoscape.js

For a long time, I've wanted to make a small real-time data visualization application with the use of websockets and some fancy JavaScript visualization framework. And the moment went when I was preparing the execution schemas to illustrate distributed graph algorithms covered in Graph algorithms in distributed world - part 1 post. I used there static images combined together but it was quite painful. Because of that, I decided to check whether it's possible to do in a more programmatic way.

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Apache Spark 2.4.0 features - foreachBatch

When I first heard about the foreachBatch feature, I thought that it was the implementation of foreachPartition in the Structured Streaming module. However, after some analysis I saw how I was wrong because this new feature addresses other but also important problems. You will find more .

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Apache Spark 2.4.0 features - barrier execution mode

Data-driven systems continuously change. We moved from static, batch-oriented daily processing jobs to real-time streaming-based pipelines running all the time. Nowadays, the workflows have more and more AI compontents. Apache Spark tries to stay in the movement and in the new release proposes the implementation of the barrier execution mode as a new way to schedule tasks.

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Creating graphs in GraphFrames

The Project Tungsten revolutionized Apache Spark ecosystem. Thanks to the new row-based data structure the jobs became more performant and easier to create. This revolution first affected the batch processing and later the streaming one. As of writing the following article, the graph processing is still not impacted but hopefully GraphFrames project can change this.

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Apache Spark 2.4.0 features - Avro data source

Apache Avro became one of the serialization standards, among others because of its use in Apache Kafka's schema registry. Previously to work with Avro files with Apache Spark we needed Databrick's external package. But it's no longer the case starting from 2.4.0 release where Avro became first-class citizen data source.

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Iterative algorithms with Pregel on Apache Spark GraphX

One of important characteristics of distributed graph processing which makes it different from classical Map/Reduce approach is the iterative nature of many algorithms. Pregel is one of the computation models that supports such kind of processing very well, while Apache Spark GraphX comes with its own Pregel implementation.

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Apache Spark 2.4.0 features - array and higher-order functions

The series about the features introduced in Apache Spark 2.4.0 continues. Today's post will cover higher-order functions that you may know from elsewhere.

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Loading and saving graphs in Apache Spark GraphX

Until now we've been working only with in-memory graphs. However, Apache Spark GraphX provides a much more convenient and prod-ready methods to load and save them. And this post will try to show them.

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Apache Spark 2.4.0 features - watermark configuration

The series about Apache Spark 2.4.0 features continues. After last week's discovery of bucket pruning, it's time to switch to Structured Streaming module and see its major evolution.

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Edge partitioning strategies

Previously we've learned about the vertices and edges representations in Apache Spark GraphX. At this moment to not introduce too many new concepts at once, we deliberately omitted the discovery of edges partitioning. Luckily, a new week comes and it lets us discuss that.

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Apache Spark 2.4.0 features - bucket pruning

This post begins a new series dedicated to Apache Spark 2.4.0 features. The first covered topic will be bucket pruning.

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Defining schemas in Apache Spark SQL with builder design pattern

Schemas are one of the key parts of Apache Spark SQL and its distinction point with old RDD-based API. When we deal with data coming from a structured data source as a relational database or schema-based file formats, we can let the framework to resolve the schema for us. But the things complicate when we're working with semi-structured data as JSON and we must define the schema by hand.

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Edge representation in Apache Spark GraphX

After last week's discovery of VertexRDD we have still one graph-composing item to explain - EdgeRDD. After all, the graph is about the relationships this RDD guarantees the links between vertices.

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The who, when, how and what of Apache Spark SQL code generation

The code generated by Apache Spark for all the queries defined with higher-level concepts as SQL queries is the key to understand the processing logic performance. This post, started after a discussion on my Github, tries to explain some of the basics of code generation workflow.

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