Data processing articles

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Inner joins between streams in Apache Spark Structured Streaming

Apache Kafka Streams supports joins between streams and the community expected the same for Apache Spark. This feature was implemented and released with recent 2.3.0 version and after some months after that, it's a good moment to talk a little about it.

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Apache Spark on Kubernetes - useful commands

Beginning with new tool and its CLI is never easy. Having a list of useful debugging commands is always helpful. And the rule is not different for Spark on Kubernetes project.

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RDBMS options in Apache Spark SQL

Some recent posts covered important Spark SQL options for RDBMS: partitioning and write modes. However they're not the only ones available for this data storage.

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Apache Spark on Kubernetes - global overview

Last years are the symbol of popularization of Kubernetes. Thanks to its replication and scalability properties it's more and more often used in distributed architectures. Apache Spark, through a special group of work, integrates Kubernetes steadily. In current (2.3.1) version this new method to schedule jobs is integrated in the project as experimental feature.

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SaveMode.Overwrite trap with RDBMS in Apache Spark SQL

Some months ago I presented save modes in Spark SQL. However, this post was limited to their use in files. I was quite surprised to observe some specific behavior of them for RDBMS sinks. Especially for SaveMode.Overwrite.

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External shuffle service in Apache Spark

To scale Spark applications automatically we need to enable dynamic resource allocation. But to make it work we need another feature called external shuffle service that will be covered here.

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What Kubernetes can bring to Apache Spark pipelines ?

Commercial version of Apache Spark distributed by Databricks offers a serverless and auto-scalable approach for the applications written in this framework. Among the time some other companies tried to provide similar alternatives, going even to put Apache Spark pipelines into AWS Lambda functions. But with the version 2.3.0 another alternative appears as a solution for scalability and elasticity overhead - Kubernetes.

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Docker-composing Apache Spark on YARN image

Some months ago I written the notes about my experience from building Docker image for Spark on YARN cluster. Recently I decided to improve the project and transform it to Docker-compose format.

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Correlated scalar subqueries in Apache Spark SQL

Some weeks ago I presented correlated scalar subqueries in the example of PostgreSQL. However they can also be found in the Big Data processing systems, as for instance BigQuery or Apache Spark SQL.

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Nested loop join in Apache Spark SQL

In programming a simple is often the synonymous of understandable and maintainable. However it doesn't always mean efficient. One of examples of this thesis is nested loop join that is also present in Apache Spark SQL.

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Query metrics in Apache Spark Structured Streaming

One of important points for long-living queries is the tracking. It's always important to know how the query performs. In Structured Streaming we can follow this execution thanks to special object called ProgressReporter.

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Fault tolerance in Apache Spark Structured Streaming

The Structured Streaming guarantees end-to-end exactly-once delivery (in micro-batch mode) through the semantics applied to state management, data source and data sink. The state was more covered in the post about the state store but 2 other parts still remain to discover.

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Continuous execution in Apache Spark Structured Streaming

During the years Apache Spark's streaming was perceived as working with micro-batches. However, the release 2.3.0 tries to change this and proposes a new execution model called continuous. Even though it's still in experimental status, it's worthy to learn more about it.

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Stateful transformations with mapGroupsWithState

Streaming stateful processing in Apache Spark evolved a lot from the first versions of the framework. At the beginning was updateStateByKey but some time after, judged inefficient, it was replaced by mapWithState. With the arrival of Structured Streaming the last method was replaced in its turn by mapGroupsWithState.

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Stateful aggregations in Apache Spark Structured Streaming

Recently we discovered the concept of state stores used to deal with stateful aggregations in Structured Streaming. But at that moment we didn't spend the time on these aggregations. As promised, they'll be described now.

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Output modes in Apache Spark Structured Streaming

Structured Streaming introduced a lot of new concepts regarding to the DStream-based streaming. One of them is the output mode.

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StateStore in Apache Spark Structured Streaming

During my last Spark exploration of the RPC implementation one class caught my attention. It was StateStoreCoordinator used by the state store that is an important place in Structured Streaming pipelines.

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Triggers in Apache Spark Structured Streaming

Some last weeks I was focused on Apache Beam project. After some readings, I discovered a lot of similar concepts between Beam and Spark Structured Streaming (or inversely?). One of this similarities are triggers.

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Apache Spark Structured Streaming and watermarks

The idea of watermark was firstly presented in the occasion of discovering the Apache Beam project. However it's also implemented in Apache Spark to respond to the same problem - the problem of late data.

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RPC in Apache Spark

The communication in distributed systems is an important element. The cluster members rarely share the hardware components and the single solution to communicate is the exchange of messages in the client-server model.

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