Data processing articles

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Spark SQL operator optimizations - part 2

It's time to continue the exploration of operator optimizations of logic plans in Spark SQL. After the first part describing optimizations from A to L, this post covers remaining letters.

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Spark SQL operator optimizations - part 1

Pushdown predicate is one of the most popular optimizations in Spark SQL. But it's not the single one and their main list is defined in org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.optimizer.Optimizer abstract class.

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User Defined Aggregate Functions

User Defined Functions are not the single way to extend Spark SQL. The second solution is offered by User Defined Aggregate Functions.

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Spark SQL statistics

Spark SQL has a lot of "hidden" features making it an efficient processing tool. One of them are statistics.

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Predicate pushdown in Spark SQL

The optimizer in Spark SQL helps to improve the performance of processing pipelines. One of its techniques is predicate pushdown.

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org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Queries with streaming sources must be executed with writeStream.start() explained

The error quoted in the title of this post is quite common when you want to copy conception logic from Spark DStream/RDD to Spark structured streaming. This post makes some insight on it.

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Analyzing Structured Streaming Kafka integration - Kafka source

Spark 2.2.0 brought the change of structured streaming state. Between 2.0 and 2.2.0 it was marked as "alpha". But the last version changed this status to General Availability. It's so a good moment to start to play with this new feature - even if some basics have already been covered in the post about structured streaming. This time we'll go deeper and analyze the integration with Apache Kafka that will be helpful to

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Partitioning internals in Spark

In October I published the post about Partitioning in Spark. It was an introduction to the partitioning part, mainly focused on basic information, as partitioners and partitioning transformations (coalesce and repartition). This time it's a good moment to take other partition points up.

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Chain of responsibility design pattern in Spark SQL UDF

Chain of responsibility design pattern is one of my favorite's alternatives to avoid too many nested calls. Some days ago I was wondering if it could be used instead of nested calls of multiple UDFs applied in column level in Spark SQL. And the response was affirmative.

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Spak UI meaning - common parts

Spark UI is a good method to track jobs execution and detect performances issues. But the multiple parts of the UI, some of them depending on used Spark library, can scare at first glance. This post tries to explain all necessary points to understand better the common parts of Spark UI.

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User Defined Functions

User Defined Types (UDT) described in one of previous posts aren't the single customization possibility in Apache Spark SQL. The other possibility are User Defined Functions (UDF).

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Fetchsize in Spark SQL

Spark SQL reading from RDBMS is based on classic JDBC drivers. Thus it supports some of their options, as fetchsize described in sections below.

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Speculative execution in Spark

Spark has a lot of interesting features and one of them is the speculative execution of tasks.

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Sort-merge join in Spark SQL

After discovering two methods used to join DataFrames, broadcast and hashing, it's time to talk about the third possibility - sort-merge join.

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Shuffle join in Spark SQL

Shuffle consists on moving data with the same key to the one executor in order to execute some specific processing on it. We could think that it concerns only *ByKey operations but it's not necessarily true.

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Broadcast join in Spark SQL

Joining DataFrames can be a performance-sensitive task. After all, it involves matching data from two data sources and keeping matched results in a single place. As you can deduce, the first thinking goes towards shuffle join operation. However, it's not the single strategy implemented in Spark SQL. For some specific use cases another type called broadcast join can be preferred.

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Join types in Spark SQL

Spark SQL reflects the most of concepts related to relational databases as possible. One of them are joins that can be defined in one of 7 forms.

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Dynamic resource allocation in Spark

Defining the universal workload and associating corresponding resources is always difficult. Even if most of time expected resources will support the load, there always will be some interval in the year when data activity will grow (e.g. Black Friday). One of Spark's mechanisms helping to prevent processing failures in such situations is dynamic resource allocation.

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Partitioning RDBMS data in Spark SQL

Without any explicit definition, Spark SQL won't partition any data, i.e. all rows will be processed by one executor. It's not optimal since Spark was designed to parallel and distributed processing.

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Loading data from RDBMS

Structured data processing takes more and more place in Apache Spark project. Structured streaming is one of the proofs. But how does Spark SQL work - and particularly, how does it load data from sources of structured data as RDMBS ?

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