In the previous blog post, you discovered what changed for joins in Apache Spark 3.1. If you remember the summary sentence, it was not the single join changes in this new release. Apart from them, you can also do a bit more with Structured Streaming joins!
After the introductory part, it's time to share what I learned from the custom state store implementation.
After previous introductory posts, it's time to deep delve into the state store API and implement our own custom state store.
I don't know you, but me, when I first saw the code with createTempView method, I thought it created a temporary table in the metastore. But it's not true and in this blog post, you will see why.
After previous posts about native stateful operations, it's time to focus on the one where you can define your custom stateful logic.
Streaming joins are an interesting feature that heavily uses state store. Even though I already blogged about it in the past (2018), some changes were made and also - I hope so - my explanation capacity improved.
One of the not obvious things about the watermark is how it applies on the windows. At first glance, you could think that it will filter out the records produced before the watermark value. But it's not how it works for windows.
In previous blog posts you discovered how the state store interacts with dropDuplicates and limit operators. This time you will see how it's used in aggregations.
Another stateful operation requiring the state store is drop duplicates. You can use it to deduplicate your streaming data before pushing it to the sink.
It's the second follow-up Data+AI Summit post but the first one focusing on the stateful operations and their interaction with the state store.
The main Apache Spark component enabling stateful processing is StateStoreRDD. It creates a partition-based state store instance but also triggers state-based computation.
Some time ago @ArunJijo36 mentioned me on Twitter with a question about broadcasting in Structured Streaming. If, like me at this time, you don't know what happens, I think that this article will be good for you 👊
Few months ago, before the Apache Spark 3.0 features series, you probably noticed a short series about files processing in Structured Streaming. If you enjoyed it, here is a complementary note presenting the file data source :)
Apache Kafka changes in Apache Spark 3.0 was one of the first topics covered in the "what's new" series. Even though there were a lot of changes related to the Kafka source and sink, they're not the single ones in Structured Streaming.
A few weeks ago I wrote 3 posts about file sink in Structured Streaming. At this time I wasn't aware of one potential issue, namely an Out-Of-Memory problem that at some point will happen.
After previous presentations of the new date time and functions features in Apache Spark 3.0 it's time to see what's new on the streaming side in Structured Streaming module, and more precisely, on its Apache Kafka integration.
I presented in my previous posts how to use a file sink in Structured Streaming. I focused there on the internal execution and its use in the context of data reprocessing. In this post I will address a few of the previously described points.
In my previous post I introduced the file sink in Apache Spark Structured Streaming. Today it's time to focus on an important concept of this output format which is the manifest file lifecycle.
One of the homework tasks of my Become a Data Engineer course is about synchronizing streaming data with a file system storage. When I was trying to implement this part, I found a manifest-based file stream that I will explore in this and next blog posts.
Sometimes I come back to the topics I already covered, often because by mistake I discover something new that can improve them. And that's the case for my today's article about idempotence in stateful processing.