Data+AI Summit articles

DAIS 2024: Testing framework from the Dataflow model for Apache Spark Structured Streaming

With this blog I'm starting a follow-up series for my Data+AI Summit 2024 talk. I missed this family of blog posts a lot as the previous DAIS with me as speaker was 4 years ago! As previously, this time too I'll be writing several blog posts that should help you remember the talk and also cover some of the topics left aside because of the time constraints.

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Data+AI Summit 2024 - Retrospective - Streaming

Welcome to the first Data+AI Summit 2024 retrospective blog post. I'm opening the series with the topic close to my heart at the moment, stream processing!

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Data+AI Summit 2023, retrospective part 2

One week later than initially announced, but here it is, the second part for Data+AI Summit 2023 retrospective. I don't know how, but I managed to include some streaming-related talks here too!

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Data+AI Summit 2023, retrospective part 1 - streaming

Even though you may be thinking now about Data+AI Summit 2024, I still owe you my retrospective for the 2023 edition. Let's start with the first part covering stream processing talks!

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Data+AI Summit 2022 retrospective - part 2

Yesterday I shared with you the human part of my Data+AI Summit. It's time now to give you my takeaways from the technical talks.

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Data+AI Summit 2022 retrospective - part 1

There will be many "first times" in our lives. For me, the Data+AI Summit 2022 was the first time I've visited the USA, put the 3D dimensions to the pictures of my virtual friends and felt a huge community support in a very troubled moment. Besides, I also enjoyed the talks and walking, even though the latter one wasn't so good for my skin ;)

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