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The idea of writing this blog post came to me when I was analyzing Kubernetes changes in Apache Spark 3.1.1. Starting from this version we can use stage level scheduling, so far available only for YARN. Even though it's probably a very low level feature, it intrigued me enough to write a few words here!
I had this "aha moment" while I was preparing the blog posts about the shuffle readers. Apache Spark uses iterators a lot! In this blog post you will see the places where I had met them the last months.
It's time for the 2nd blog post about the shuffle readers. Recently, we discovered how Apache Spark fetches the shuffle blocks from local and remote hosts. Today, I would like to share with you the wrapping iterators. Sounds mysterious? It won't be if we start by looking at the iterators participating in the processing of shuffle block files.
So far I've covered the writing part of the shuffle files. You've learned about 3 different shuffle writers, but what happens with their generated files? Who and how reads them? Is the reading an in-memory operation? I will try to answer this and some other questions in this blog post.
Some time ago I participated in an interesting meetup about the MERGE operation in Delta Lake (link in the Further reading section). Jacek Laskowski presented the operation internals and asked an interesting question about the difference between commands and execs. Since I didn't know the answer right away, I decided to explore the commands concepts in this blog post.
The topic of this post brought Luan Carvalho who shared with me an Open Source project connecting Apache Spark to Apache Kafka Schema Registry. Initially, I wanted to exclusively focus on the project but on my way I discovered some other interesting points.
With the Adaptive Query Execution module, you can have a feeling that Apache Spark will optimize the job for you. In part, yes, because it'll be able to optimize the job based on the runtime parameters you don't necessarily know. However, you also can master the execution, and ones of these mastery tools are hints.
Even though nowadays RDD tends to be a low level abstraction and we should use SQL API, some of its methods are still used under-the-hood by the framework. During one of my explorations I wanted to analyze the task responsible for listing the files to process. Initially, my thought was "oh,it uses collect() and the results will be different every time". However, after looking at the code I saw how wrong I was!
At first glance, the update operation in an arbitrary stateful application looks just like another map's put function. However, it has an impact on what happens later with the state store. In this blog post, you will see an example that can eventually help you to reduce an I/O pressure of the updates.
If you've used Apache Kafka source in Structured Streaming, you undoubtedly noticed a property called maxOffsetsPerTrigger. According to the documentation, it helps to "limit on maximum number of offsets processed per trigger interval". My initial reaction to this property was, "Cool! We can enforce idempotent processing". I was not wrong, but the blog post will show you that I wasn't entirely right either!
Even though Apache Kafka supports transactional producers, they're not present in Apache Spark Kafka sink. But despite that, is it possible to implement a transactional producer in Apache Spark Structured Streaming? You should see that at the end of this article.
It's the last part of the shuffle writers series. The picture so far composed of SortShuffleWriter and BypassMergeSortShuffleWriter, will be completed today with UnsafeShuffleWriter.
In the previous blog post we discovered the SortShuffleWriter. However, the SortShuffleManager's first choice is BypassMergeSortShuffleWriter, presented in this article.
In the beginning I thought that the mappers sent shuffle files to the reducers. After understanding that it was the opposite, I was thinking that a part of the shuffle data is kept in memory for the performance purposes... Once I corrected all these misbeliefs about shuffle, I noted a few points to explore. One of these points are shuffle writers that I will present in the next 3 blog posts.
Previously we discovered what happens when you coalesce a dataset. To recall, it doesn't involve shuffle operation. It's then the opposite of a repartition operation which is a first class shuffle citizen.
State store is a critical part of any stateful Structured Streaming application. It's important to know what happens when your business logic and input data interact with it. State store metrics will provide you some key insight into this interaction. If you don't know them now, no worries, it's the topic of this blog post!
If you read my blog post, you certainly noticed that very often I get lost on the internet. Fortunately, very often it helps me write blog posts. But the internet is not the only place where I can get lost. It also happens to me to do that with Apache Spark code and one of my most recent confusions was about FileSystem and FileContext classes.
Every Apache Spark release brings not only completely new components but also new native functions. The 3.1.1 is not an exception and it also comes with some new built-in functions!
Even though the change I will describe in this blog post is still in progress, it's worth attention, especially that I missed the DataSource V2 evolution in my previous blog posts.
After several months spent as an "experimental" feature in Apache Spark, Kubernetes was officially promoted to a Generally Available scheduler in the 3.1 release! In this blog post, we'll discover the last changes made before this promotion.