Data processing articles

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If not, below you can find all articles belonging to Data processing.

Shuffle configuration demystified - part 2

It's time for the 2 of 3 parts dedicated to the shuffle configuration in Apache Spark.

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Shuffle configuration demystified - part 1

Probably the most popular configuration entry related to the shuffle is the number of shuffle partitions. But it's not the only one and you will see it in this new blog post series!

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Dynamic resource allocation in Structured Streaming

Structured Streaming micro-batch mode inherits a lot of features from the batch part. Apart from the retry mechanism presented previously, it also has the same auto-scaling logic relying on the Dynamic Resource Allocation.

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Ops practices in Apache Spark project

A good CI/CD process avoids many pitfalls related to manual operations. Apache Spark also has one based on Github Actions. Since this part of the project has been a small mystery for me, I wanted to spend some time exploring it.

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Broadcast join and changing static dataset

Last year I wrote a blog post about broadcasting in Structured Streaming and I got an interesting question under one of the demo videos. What happens if the joined static dataset in a broadcast mode gets new data? Let's check this out!

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Task retries in Apache Spark Structured Streaming

Unexpected things happen and sooner or later, any pipeline can fail. Hopefully, sometimes the errors may be temporary and automatically recovered after some retries. What if the job is a streaming one? Let's see here how Apache Spark Structured Streaming handles task retries in micro-batch and continuous modes!

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Kubernetes concepts for Apache Spark

I had the idea for this blog post when I was preparing the "What's new in Apache Spark..." series. At that time, I was writing about Kubernetes in the context of Apache Spark but needed to "google" a lot of things aside - mostly the Kubernetes API terms.

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Distinct vs group by key difference

I've heard an opinion that using DISTINCT can have a negative impact on big data workloads, and that the queries with GROUP BY were more performant. Is it true for Apache Spark SQL?

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What's new in Apache Spark 3.2.0 - miscellaneous changes

My Apache Spark 3.2.0 comes to its end. Today I'll focus on the miscellaneous changes, so all the improvements I couldn't categorize in the previous blog posts.

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What's new in Apache Spark 3.2.0 - Apache Parquet and Apache Avro improvements

I still have 2 topics remaining in my "What's new..." backlog. I'd like to share the first of them with you today, and see what changed for Apache Parquet and Apache Avro data sources.

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What's new in Apache Spark 3.2.0 - performance optimizations

Apache Spark 3.0 extended the static execution engine with a runtime optimization engine called Adaptive Query Execution. It has changed a lot since the very first release and so even in the most recent version! But AQE is not a single performance improvement and I hope you'll see this in the blog post!

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What's new in Apache Spark 3.2.0 - PySpark and Pandas

Project Zen is an initiative to make PySpark more Pythonic and facilitate the Python programming experience. Apache Spark 3.2.0 made a next step in this direction by bringing Pandas to the API!

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What's new in Apache Spark 3.2.0 - Data Source V2

Even though Data Source V2 is present in the API for a while, every release brings something new to it. This time too and we'll see what through this blog post!

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What's new in Apache Spark 3.2.0 - push-based shuffle

In the previous Apache Spark releases you could see many shuffle evolutions such as shuffle files tracking or pluggable storage interface. And the things don't change for 3.2.0 which comes with the push-based merge shuffle.

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What's new in Apache Spark 3.2.0 - SQL changes

Apache Spark SQL evolves and with each new release, it gets closer to the ANSI standard. The 3.2.0 release is not different and you can find many ANSI-related changes. But not only and hopefully, you'll discover all this in this blog post which has an unusual form because this time, I won't focus on the implementation details.

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What's new in Apache Spark 3.2.0 - Structured Streaming

After previous blog posts focusing on 2 specific Structured Streaming features, it's time to complete them with a list of other changes made in the 3.2.0 version!

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What's new in Apache Spark 3.2.0 - session windows

Initially I wanted to include the session windows in the blog post about Structured Streaming changes. But I changed my mind when I saw how many things it involves!

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What's new in Apache Spark 3.2.0 - RocksDB state store

It's big news for Apache Spark Structured Streaming users. RocksDB is now available as a Vanilla Spark-backed state store backend!

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Stage level scheduling

The idea of writing this blog post came to me when I was analyzing Kubernetes changes in Apache Spark 3.1.1. Starting from this version we can use stage level scheduling, so far available only for YARN. Even though it's probably a very low level feature, it intrigued me enough to write a few words here!

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Iterators in Apache Spark

I had this "aha moment" while I was preparing the blog posts about the shuffle readers. Apache Spark uses iterators a lot! In this blog post you will see the places where I had met them the last months.

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