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Watermark, or rather multiple watermarks management, has been a thorn in the side of Apache Spark Structured Streaming. It has improved in the previous release (3.4.0) but still had some room for improvement. Well, it did have because the 3.5.0 release brought a serious fix for the multiple watermarks scenario.
It's time to start the series covering Apache Spark 3.5.0 features. As the first topic I'm going to cover Structured Streaming which has got a lot of RocksDB improvements and some major API changes.
I've already written about watermarks in a few places in the blog but despite that, I still find things to refresh. One of them is the watermark used to filter out the late data, which will be the topic of this blog post.
Do not get the title wrong! Having applyInPandasWithState in the PySpark API is huge! However, due to Python duck typing, some operations are more difficult and more risky to express in the code than in the strongly typed Scala API.
It's always a huge pleasure to see the PySpark API covering more and more Scala API features. Starting from Apache Spark 3.4.0 you can even write arbitrary stateful processing jobs! But since the API is a little bit different than the one available on the Scala side, I wanted to take a deeper look.
I won't hide it, I'm still a fresher in the Apache Flink world and despite my past streaming experiences with Apache Spark Structured Streaming and GCP Dataflow, I need to learn. And to learn a new tool or concept, there is nothing better than watching some conference talks!
There are probably not that many people working today on the flat files with Structured Streaming than 5 years ago thanks to the table file formats. However, if you are in this group and are still generating CSVs or JSONs with the streaming sink, brace yourself, the memory problems are coming if you don't take action!
When you wrote your first arbitrary stateful processing pipelines, the state expiration is maybe the first tricky point you had to deal with. Why is that? After all, it's just about setting the timeout, doesn't it? Most of the time, yes, but there is an exception.
You certainly know it, the watermark (aka GC Watermark) is responsible for cleaning state store in Apache Spark Structured Streaming. But you may not know that it's not the single time-based condition. There is a different one involved in the stream-to-stream joins.
Starting from Apache Spark 3.2.0 is now possible to load an initial state of the arbitrary stateful pipelines. Even though the feature is easy to implement, it hides some interesting implementation details!
That's often a dilemma, whether we should put multiple sinks working on the same data source in the same or in different Apache Spark Structured Streaming applications? Both solutions may be valid depending on your use case but let's focus here on the former one including multiple sinks together.
Surprised? You shouldn't. I've always been eager to learn, including 5 years ago when for the first time, I left my Apache Spark comfort zone to explore Apache Beam. Since then I had a chance to write some Dataflow streaming pipelines to fully appreciate this technology and work on AWS, GCP, and Azure. But there is some excitement for learning-from scratch I miss.
Shuffle is a permanent point in the What's new in Apache Spark series. Why? It's often one the most time consuming part of the jobs and knowing the improvement simply helps writing better pipelines.
Spark Connect is probably the most expected feature in Apache Spark 3.4.0. It was announced in the Data+AI Summit 2022 keynotes and has a lot of coverage in social media right now. I'll try to add my small contribution to this by showing some implementation details.
The asynchronous progress tracking and correctness issue fixes presented in the previous blog posts are not the single new feature in Apache Spark Structured Streaming 3.4.0. There are many others but to keep the blog post readable, I'll focus here only on 3 of them.
Apache Spark is infamous for its correctness issue for chained stateful operations. Fortunately things get improved in each release. The most recent one, the 3.4.0, also got some important changes on that field!
Finally, the time has come to start the analysis of the new features in Apache Spark. The first of them that grabbed my attention was the Async progress tracking from Structured Streaming.
In my long - but not long enough! - journey with Apache Spark I've met the "checkpointing" world in the context of Structured Streaming mostly. But this term also applies to other modules including Apache Spark SQL, so batch processing!
If you need to go back in time and analyze your past Apache Spark applications, you can use the native Apache Spark History server. However, it can also be an infrastructure problem because of the continuously increasing historical logs for streaming applications. In this blog post we'll try to understand this component and to see different configuration options.
Data can have various quality issues, from missing to badly formatted values. However, there is another issue less people talk about, the erroneous filtering logic.