Data processing articles

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Apache Beam Apache Flink Apache Spark Apache Spark GraphFrames Apache Spark GraphX Apache Spark SQL Apache Spark Streaming Apache Spark Structured Streaming PySpark

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Generated method too long to be JIT compiled

There are days like that. You inherit a code and it doesn't really work as expected. While digging into issues you find usual weird warnings but also several new things. For me one of these things was the "Generated method too long to be JIT compiled..." info message.

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Apache Spark listeners

Message bus is a common architectural design in the Enterprise Design Patterns. But it's also present at a lower level to enable the event-driven behavior. Apache Spark is not an exception. It uses a publish/subscribe approach in various places.

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Wildcard path and partitions

Let's suppose you store the partitioned data under the /data/mydir location. What will be the difference if you read this directory with Apache Spark as /data/mydir/ and /data/mydir/* ? You should find the answer to the question just below.

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PySpark and story

The topic of this blog post is one of my first big surprises while I was learning the debugging of PySpark jobs. Usually I'm running the code locally in debug mode and the defined breakpoints help me understand what happens. That time, it was different!

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PySpark and vectorized User-Defined Functions

The Scala API of Apache Spark SQL has various ways of transforming the data, from the native and User-Defined Function column-based functions, to more custom and row-level map functions. PySpark doesn't have this mapping feature but does have the User-Defined Functions with an optimized version called vectorized UDF!

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Observable metrics

Observability is a hot topic nowadays, not only for the data but also the software industry. Apache Spark innovates in this field a lot, including new metrics for Structured Streaming and an important update added in the 3.0.0 release that I missed at the time, which are the observable metrics.

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Predicate pushdown, why it doesn't work every time?

Pushdowns in Apache Spark are great to delegate some operations to the data sources. It's a great way to reduce the data volume to be processed in the job. However, there is one important gotcha. Watch out the definition of your predicate because from time to time, even though the pushdown predicate is supported by the data source, the predicate can still be executed by the Apache Spark job!

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YARN or Kubernetes for Apache Spark?

I've written my first Kubernetes on Apache Spark blog post in 2018 with a try to answer the question, what Kubernetes can bring to Apache Spark? Four years later this resource manager is a mature Spark component, but a new question has arisen in my head. Should I stay on YARN or switch to Kubernetes?

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What's new in Apache Spark 3.3.0 - PySpark

It's time for the last "What's new in Apache Spark 3.3.0..." before a break. Today we'll see what changed in PySpark. Spoiler alert: Pandas users should find one feature very exciting!

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What's new in Apache Spark 3.3.0 - Structured Streaming

Even though the Project Lightspeed is not there yet, Apache Spark Structured Streaming 3.3.0 has several interesting features that should make your daily life easier.

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What's new in Apache Spark 3.3.0 - Data Source V2

After a break for the Data+AI Summit retrospective, it's time to return to Apache Spark 3.3.0 and see what changed for the DataSource V2 API.

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What's new in Apache Spark 3.3 - new functions

New Apache SQL functions are a regular position in my "What's new in Apache Spark..." series. Let's see what has changed in the most recent (3.3.0) release!

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What's new in Apache Spark 3.3 - joins

Joins are probably the most popular operation for combining datasets and Apache Spark supports multiple types of them already! In the new release, the framework got 2 new strategies, the storage-partitioned and row-level runtime filters.

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Radix and Tim sort

The topic of this blog post is not new because the discussed sort algorithms are there from Apache Spark 2. But it happens that I've never had a chance to present them and today I'll try to do it now.

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Generators and PySpark

I remember the first PySpark codes I saw. They were pretty similar to the Scala ones I used to work with except one small detail, the yield keyword. Since then, I've understood their purpose but have been actively looking for an occasion to blog about them. Growing the PySpark section is a great opportunity for this!

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PySpark and the JVM - introduction, part 2

Last time I introduced Py4j which is the bridge between Apache Spark JVM codebase and Python client applications. Today it's a great moment to take a deeper look at their interaction in the context of data processing defined with the RDD and DataFrame APIs.

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PySpark and the JVM - introduction, part 1

In my quest for understanding PySpark better, the JVM in the Python world is the must-have stop. In this first blog post I'll focus on Py4J project and its usage in PySpark.

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Tables and Apache Spark

If you're like me and haven't had an opportunity to work with Spark on Hive, you're probably as confused as I had been about the tables. Hopefully, after reading this blog post you will understand that concept better!

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Pluggable Catalog API

Despite working with Apache Spark for a while, I still have some undiscovered components. One of them crossed my path while I was writing the first blog post from the ACID file formats series. The lucky one is the Catalog API.

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Beware of .withColumn

The .withColumn function is apparently an inoffensive operation, just a way to add or change a column. True, but also hides some points that can even lead to the memory issues and we'll see them in this blog post.

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